Posted: January 20, 2015
Mr. Glazier - Archive - 09/2015
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: January 16, 2015
French - Birthdays and anniversaries will continue be the topic of discussion this week
in class. Students will be reading, writing and speaking the following terms:
“L’anniversaire de naissance de____ est le_____,” “joyeuse anniversaire”, “je
suis né(e) en 2004 ou 2005”, etc.Montre et Raconte
continues to be a hit with students. Presenters look forward to presenting
their item everyday at 2:30 prior to dismissal. Please ensure reading
occurs nightly and that students are recording their books into their reading
logs. I have extra copies in class once their first sheet is complete. Math - we have moved on from ascending patterns to discussing descending
patterns and attributes. We continue to master the language in French and
incorporate word problems into the mix to promote higher level thinking.We also continue to
practice our numbers orally up to 1000 and mental math strategies (i.e. doubles
+/- 1, 2 etc, making 10, estimation, rounding). Our “Tour du Monde” mental math
game has been a success with students in class and they really enjoy learning
their +/- facts.Social Studies - We will begin studying “place” this term. Ultimately
students will be expected to:1)
Locate their province in the Atlantic region, Canada, North America, and the
world 2)
Describe the major physical features, climates, and vegetation of their
province and the Atlantic region3)
Examine where people live and how people make a living in their province This week students will complete a detailed
plan/outline of the classroom in order to understand direction and located
certain objects in the class. Later, students will learn about cardinal points
and how to draw/read a legend in order to create their own map and what need be
included. From that point on, we will look at the school as a whole, the City
of Miramichi then the province. Throughout the term, we will also take time to
utilize Google Maps and discover places throughout the city
and province. Students really enjoy these virtual tours!Reminders:- Reading
is to occur nightly. Please record on sheet.- Please
sign your child’s agenda to let me know you have reviewed homework.- Library
Thursday- Art Richard
concert Friday, Jan 23rd- December
Scholastic orders due Friday, Jan 23rd- Skating at LBR Wednesday, January 28th Let's have a great week! As always if you
have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.
Posted: January 9, 2015
Welcome back to another great week in French
Immersion. We had a wonderful first week back. I enjoyed listening to
everyone’s holiday stories and proud at the fact that everyone quickly pulled
up their sleeves and was ready to continue learning in French. Please note that the Social Studies component of
the course will be incorporated into our studies. Students will begin to learn
about the province of New Brunswick. English classes have commenced as well. My students
will be taught by Madame Prince and I will be teaching English to her students.French - Birthdays and anniversaries will be the topic of discuss this
week in class. Students will be reading, writing and speaking with this theme
in mind. Guided reading/Daily 5 and spelling of high
frequency words continues on a daily basis as well. Students have made great
gains and are on track with their reading and writing. Please ensure that
students read their take home books nightly to provided them with an extra
opportunity to masters their vocabulary, sounds, comprehension, and
fluidity. Math - In math, we have begun our unit on Patterns.
Students have a good understanding of the concepts thought thus far and we are
simply furthering our knowledge by going beyond the objectives of the unit and
dig a little deeper with the use of word problems and oral discussions to test
for understanding. Reminders:- Reading is
to occur nightly- Please sign
your child’s agenda nightly- Library
Thursday- Supply teacher Jan 16th. I will be away at a meeting. - Scholastic
orders due Jan 23th - Art Richard concert Jan 23rd at 10 a.m. Let’s have a great week. If you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Posted: January 5, 2015
Happy New Year and welcome back! I look forward to hearing many stories about everyone’s holiday break.Weekly postings will commence next Monday. Our focus this week we be to re-establish our routine s and review material covered prior to break. Mr.Glazier
Posted: December 14, 2014
Welcome back to another week in 3G! Our daily routine will fluctuate this week due to the many activities planned.
Students are invited to wear their pyjama’s or a funny Christmas sweather Friday. They may also choose to bring a teddy or doll if they would like. Also, myself and Madame Prince are planning on having a class breakfast Friday. A notice will be sent home Monday in regards to the event.
French - This week, we will write a short procedural text about hot chocolate. My goal is to have this short assignment completed by Thursday, so that we can enjoy some hot chocolate and candy canes in class.
Please ensure reading occurs nightly and that students are recording their books into their reading logs. I have extra copies in class once their first sheet is complete.
Math- Students will be writing their second unit test of the year. Their test will be sent home to be signed and returned once corrected.
The adding and subtracting unit will be revisited in the spring providing students the opportunity to expand their knowledge even further. We continue to provide support for our answers and learn to write out our answers in French
The remainder of our time will be used to review our past 2 units that have been covered thus far. We continue to practice our numbers orally up to 1000 and mental math strategies (i.e. doubles +/- 1, 2 etc, making 10, estimation, rounding). Our “Tour du Monde” mental math activity has been a success with students in class and they really enjoy learning their +/- facts.
- Reading is to occur nightly. Please record on sheet.
- Please sign your child’s agenda to let me know you have reviewed homework.
- Please ensure library books are returned this week. I will collected them and hand them to our librarian.
- St. Andrew’s Christmas Concert is Tuesday, December 16th
Let's have a great week! As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.
Posted: December 7, 2014
Welcome back. We have a busy two weeks ahead of us filled with many fun activities prior to vacation. This week in particular, we will be decorating our classroom door and practicing for next week’s Christmas concert. We have a dress rehearsal Friday and I look forward to seeing students sing.
French - We will be wrapping up our Family unit this week, and also finalizing our Santa letters. My goal is to their final copy written by Friday.
Please ensure reading occurs nightly and that students are recording their books into their reading logs. I have extra copies in class once their first sheet is complete.
Montre et Raconte continues to be a hit with students. Presenters look forward to presenting their item every day at 2:45 prior to dismissal. Another French teacher came by to visit and was very impressed with their level of French thus far in the year. Bravo mes amis!
Math - We continue to practice our numbers orally up to 1000 and mental math strategies (i.e. doubles +/- 1, 2 etc, making 10, estimation, rounding). Our “Tour du Monde” mental math activity has been a success with students in class and they really enjoy learning their +/- facts.
We will finalize our addition and subtraction unit this week by practicing our estimation and subtraction strategies of 3 digit numbers. My goal is to have a review this Friday and unit test next Monday prior to Christmas concert and vacation.
- Reading is to occur nightly. Please record on sheet.
- Please sign your child’s agenda to let me know if you have reviewed homework.
- Library Thursday
- December Scholastic orders due the Friday, December 12th
- St. Andrew’s Christmas Concert Tuesday, December 16th
Let's have a great week! As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.
Posted: December 3, 2014
Les saisons
The seasons. Another song we sang as part of our morning routine.
Posted: December 3, 2014
Les mois de l'année
A video practicing one of the new slides in our morning routine
Posted: December 3, 2014
Jouez au hockey
A fun song we have been singing in class this week.
Posted: December 1, 2014
Learn Alberta
Feel free to practice at home. Students can create their own user name and password. Any questions, let me know :)