Posted: January 13, 2014
Mr. Glazier - Archive - 06/2014
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: January 12, 2014
Welcome back to another great week in French Immersion. We had a wonderful first week back. I enjoyed listening to everyone’s holiday stories and proud at the fact that everyone quickly pulled up their sleeves and was ready to continue learning en français. Please note that the social studies component of the course will be incorporated into our studies. Students will begin to learn about the province of New Brunswick.
French - Last week we picked up where we left off prior to the holidays and continued learning about our favorite pastimes. This week our focus will be where and with whom we partake in our favorite pastimes. Upon completion of this block, students will begin to incorporate the processes of writing/traits as we continue to expand our writing and vocabulary.
Guided reading/Daily 5 continues on a daily basis as well. Students have made great gains and are on track with their reading. Please ensure that students read their take home books nightly to provided them with an extra opportunity to masters their vocabulary, sounds, comprehension, and fluidity.
Math - In math, we have begun our unit on Patterns. Students have a deep understanding of the concepts thought thus far and we are simply furthering our knowledge by going beyond the objectives of the unit and dig a little deeper with the use of word problems and oral discussions to test for understanding. * Please note that weekly Friday quizzes will continue. Advance notice/practice will be sent home. Quizzes will either cover mental math strategies and/or unit related questions.
- Reading is to occur nightly
- Please sign your child’s agenda nightly
- Library Thursday
- Computer lab Friday
- Scholastic orders due Jan 24th
Let’s have a great week. If you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Posted: January 9, 2014
Welcome back! Weekly postings will commence next Monday. Our focus this week we be to re-establish our routines and review material covered prior to break.
Mr.Glazier :)
Posted: December 16, 2013
Welcome back to another week in 3G! Our daily routine will fluctuate this week due to the many activities planned.
French - We continue to learn new vocabulary as we progress through our activities and favorite pastimes unit. We will complete our Christmas vocabulary dictionary this week as well.
Please ensure reading occurs nightly and that students are recording their books into their reading logs. I have extra copies in class once their first sheet is complete.
Math - This week, I will be using our time to review our past 2 units that we have covered thus far. We continue to practice our numbers orally up to 1000 and mental math strategies (i.e. doubles +/- 1, 2 etc, making 10, estimation, rounding). Our “Tour du Monde” mental math activity has been a success with students in class and they really enjoy learning their +/- facts.
- Reading is to occur nightly. Please record on sheet.
- Please sign your child’s agenda to let me know you have reviewed homework.
- Library Thursday
- St. Andrew’s Christmas Concert is Tuesday December 17th at 12:30.
- Skating Wednesday morning from 8:30 to 10. Helmets are mandatory and the school has a few helmets to offer for those who do not have one.
Let's have a great week! As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me
Posted: December 13, 2013
Please be remindful of the following message from District Office. Just a friendly reminder that parents and guardians are only permitted to take photos of their own child/children during school events and photos that might include other students cannot be posted online. Photos that are used on the school website or in the local media have been approved by the administration.
Posted: December 11, 2013
Rudolph le renne au nez rouge
Posted: December 8, 2013
Welcome back to another week in 3G! We have a busy two weeks ahead of us filled with many fun activities prior to vacation time. * A note to parents/guardians that I will be away attending Immersion meetings in Moncton on Tuesday.
French - We will be commencing a new theme this week. We are moving on from what makes us unique and discuss our favorite activities and pass times. This theme is our 8th within the French Immersion curriculum. Students will learn to say “Je préfère, j’adore, je joue, je fais”, etc and incorporate these structures into their reading and writings as well.
We continue as well to collaborate with Mrs. Comeau in preparation for our Christmas concert on the 17th. We are adding a special twist to one of our songs and incorporating various French verses to one of them. We have a dress rehearsal Friday and I look forward to seeing students sing.
Please ensure reading occurs nightly and that students are recording their books into their reading logs. I have extra copies in class once their first sheet is complete.
Montre et Raconte continues to be a hit with students. Presenters look forward to presenting their item everyday at 2:30 prior to dismissal. Another French teacher came by to visit and was very impressed with their level of French thus far in the year. Bravo mes amis!
Math - We continue to practice our numbers orally up to 1000 and mental math strategies (i.e. doubles +/- 1, 2 etc, making 10, estimation, rounding). Our “Tour du Monde” mental math activity has been a success with students in class and they really enjoy learning their +/- facts.
Congratulations to the students for writing their second math unit test of the year. Please ensure tests are signed and returned.
The adding and subtracting unit will be revisited in the spring providing students the opportunity to master concepts taught and expand their knowledge even further. We continue to provide support for our answers and learn to write out our answers in French.
- Reading is to occur nightly. Please record on sheet.
- Please sign your child’s agenda to let me know you have reviewed homework.
- Library Thursday
- St. Andrew’s Christmas Concert December 17th
- Skating commences December 18th
- December Scholastic orders due the 11th
Let's have a great week! As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me
Posted: December 2, 2013
Welcome back folks! I would like to welcome Jacob Fraser to our class. He is a transfer student from Moncton. We are glad to have Jacob as part of our team Jacob!
French - Birthdays and anniversaries will continue be the topic of discussion this week in class. Students will be reading, writing and speaking the following terms: “L’anniversaire de naissance de____ est le_____,” “joyeuse anniversaire”, “je suis né(e) en 2004 ou 2005”, etc.
With 3 more weeks left until vacation, we are also continuing with the development of our draft letters to Santa/Elf on the shelf. Next week we will complete our good copy and they will be sent the North Pole before Canada Post's December 16th deadline
Our French holiday dictionary is nearing completion. Students have learned many new seasonal words to add to their expanding repertoire. We will be incorporating various words into our writing pieces and singing.
Please ensure reading occurs nightly and that students are recording their books into their reading logs. I have extra copies in class once their first sheet is complete.
Montre et Raconte has been a great success thus far. This activity provides an authentic situation for students to describe, practice, and speak in French.
Math - We continue to practice our numbers orally up to 1000 and mental math strategies (i.e. doubles +/- 1, 2 etc, making 10, estimation, rounding). Our “Tour du Monde” mental math activity has been a success with students in class and they really enjoy learning their +/- facts.
I have provided a link on my page from “Learn Albera” to assist student with various math activities. I would suggest taking a look at the addition and subtraction tabs from the main menu for this week if students choose to partake.
We will be writing our unit test on Friday. Estimation, addition and subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers will be the focus. Incomplete review sheets will be sent home if not complete in class. If you would like extra examples for practice, please send me a note :) Students quizzes will be sent home today to be signed.
- Reading is to occur nightly. Please record on sheet.
- Please sign your child’s agenda to let me know you have reviewed homework.
- Library Thursday
- St. Andrew’s Christmas Concert December 17th
- Skating commences December 18th
- December Scholastic orders due the 11th
Let's have a great week! As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.
Posted: December 2, 2013
Learn Alberta
Feel free to try the addition and subtraction activities :) Simply create your own password and user name then return to the main page ("accueil) if not already direct to begin.
Posted: December 1, 2013