Dec 2nd-6th

Posted: December 2, 2013

Welcome back folks! I would like to welcome Jacob Fraser to our class. He is a transfer student from Moncton. We are glad to have Jacob as part of our team Jacob! French - Birthdays and anniversaries will continue be the topic of discussion this week in class. Students will be reading, writing and speaking the following terms: “L’anniversaire de naissance de____ est le_____,” “joyeuse anniversaire”, “je suis né(e) en 2004 ou 2005”, etc. With 3 more weeks left until vacation, we are also continuing with the development of our draft letters to Santa/Elf on the shelf. Next week we will complete our good copy and they will be sent the North Pole before Canada Post's December 16th deadline Our French holiday dictionary is nearing completion. Students have learned many new seasonal words to add to their expanding repertoire. We will be incorporating various words into our writing pieces and singing. Please ensure reading occurs nightly and that students are recording their books into their reading logs. I have extra copies in class once their first sheet is complete. Montre et Raconte has been a great success thus far. This activity provides an authentic situation for students to describe, practice, and speak in French. Math - We continue to practice our numbers orally up to 1000 and mental math strategies (i.e. doubles +/- 1, 2 etc, making 10, estimation, rounding). Our “Tour du Monde” mental math activity has been a success with students in class and they really enjoy learning their +/- facts. I have provided a link on my page from “Learn Albera” to assist student with various math activities. I would suggest taking a look at the addition and subtraction tabs from the main menu for this week if students choose to partake. We will be writing our unit test on Friday. Estimation, addition and subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers will be the focus.  Incomplete review sheets will be sent home if not complete in class. If you would like extra examples for practice, please send me a note :) Students quizzes will be sent home today to be signed. Reminders: -   Reading is to occur nightly. Please record on sheet. -   Please sign your child’s agenda to let me know you have reviewed homework. -   Library Thursday -  St. Andrew’s Christmas Concert December 17th -  Skating commences December 18th -  December Scholastic orders due the 11th  Let's have a great week! As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.