Dec 16-20th

Posted: December 16, 2013

Welcome back to another week in 3G! Our daily routine will fluctuate this week due to the many activities planned. French - We continue to learn new vocabulary as we progress through our activities and favorite pastimes unit. We will complete our Christmas vocabulary dictionary this week as well. Please ensure reading occurs nightly and that students are recording their books into their reading logs. I have extra copies in class once their first sheet is complete. Math - This week, I will be using our time to review our past 2 units that we have covered thus far. We continue to practice our numbers orally up to 1000 and mental math strategies (i.e. doubles +/- 1, 2 etc, making 10, estimation, rounding). Our “Tour du Monde” mental math activity has been a success with students in class and they really enjoy learning their +/- facts. Reminders: -   Reading is to occur nightly. Please record on sheet. -   Please sign your child’s agenda to let me know you have reviewed homework. -   Library Thursday -  St. Andrew’s Christmas Concert is Tuesday December 17th at 12:30. -  Skating Wednesday morning from 8:30 to 10. Helmets are mandatory and the school has a few helmets to offer for those who do not have one.  Let's have a great week! As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me