Welcome to our 9th week of school. Time has gone by quickly. I am extremely impressed with the level of French your child has learned thus far. Safe to say they are over their “first initial phase” towards becoming fluent students. Let’s keep up the good work J
French - This week we will be wrapping up our theme on animals and moving on to discuss families. Last week, students were taught how to use our class set of French dictionaries in order to assist them in their very first piece of writing. We are going through the writing steps process as we progress with our vocabulary and terminology. It is very exciting to see the progress your child has made. Their first piece of writing was all about a “weird” animal they had to create and describe.
Also, Daily 5/guided reading has commenced. I began last week by demonstrating what is expected of students during this time. Further explanation of this procedure will be given during parent teacher interviews or via e-mail if you are curious as to what takes place. This time essentially provides me the opportunity to read and work with a group of students, while the others are tasked with various activities.
Math - Today we had a small class quiz on number up to 1000 (place value, numbers greater then/less than, etc.) to wrap up our first unit in math. We will now be moving on to tackle mental math strategies up to 2 digits, along with addition and subtraction of 3 digits numbers where the final answer can be as high as 1000.
As always, we continue to practice numbers orally up to 100. Students have caught on quickly and are all doing well. We continue to practice every day during our morning routine and math classes.
Reading is to occur nightly. Please record on sheet.
Reading bags are to be returned daily
Please sign your child’s agenda to let me know you have reviewed homework
Halloween Jamboree Thursday, October 31st. Orange memo sheet was sent home last Thursday.
Let's have a great week! As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.