Posted: February 3, 2015
Mrs. Allison - Archived 10/16
It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." - Albert Einstein
Posted: February 3, 2015
We wondered what would happen if we threw boiling hot water into the -20 degree air, so we tried it out.
Posted: February 2, 2015
Here are few things happening this week:
*In Literacy, we are working on the letter G g. Isn’t that grand? This letter has two sounds because sometimes it sounds like the letter j. Some words that begin with this great letter are gorilla, goat, gum, gym, giant, goose, garage, gate, and groundhog. Show and Tell will be on Friday so have fun hunting around your house for something that begins with the /g/ sound.
*In Math, we are working on numbers to 10. See how many numbers you can find around your house.
*Our Kindergarten class is going snowshoeing on Wednesday, February 4th, on the school grounds. Please make sure you are dressed appropriately with snow pants, jacket, hat, mittens, and boots.
Posted: January 26, 2015
Here a few things happening this week:
* In Literacy, we will be working on the letter D d. Doesn't that sound delightful? Some words that begin with this letter are deer, donut, dance, danger, dog, dig, daisy, dice, doll, dinosaur, doctor, and dunkaroos. Show and Tell will be Friday so have fun searching for something that begins with the /d/ sound. Remember that Show and Tell is part of our homework.
* In Math, we are working on Unit 4: Numbers to 10.
* Please remember to review sight words and read every night. This will help everyone become better and more fluent readers. I will send home your child's sight word assessment this week.
Posted: January 19, 2015
Here are a few things happening this week:
* In Literacy, we are working on the letter M m. Isn't that marvellous? Some things that begin with this letter are Mya, monkey, mouse, muffin, moose, mail, medal, May, and mittens. Show and Tell will be on Friday so have fun searching for something with the /m/ sound. Remember, Show and Tell is a part of the homework every week.
* Please remember to review sight words every night. Also, review upper and lowercase letters if need be and read every night. Students will become better and more fluent readers.
Posted: January 12, 2015
Here are a few things happening this week:
*In Literacy we will be working on the letter R r. Some words that begin with this letter are Ryan, Robbie, rabbit, run, radio, race, raccoon, robot, rice, and rainbow. Show and Tell will be on Friday so have fun hunting for something with the /r/ sound.
*In Math we are working with numbers 1-5 and will soon be moving on to Geometry and Measurement.
*Scholastic Book Orders are due on Friday, January 16th.
*We are still looking for plastic grocery bags. Please send them in if you have any to spare.
Posted: January 5, 2015
Happy New Year!!
Here are a few things happening this week:
*In Literacy, we are working on the letter H h. Hooray! Some things that begin with this are horse, honey, hamster, ham, hand, happy, and house. Show and Tell will be on Friday so have fun hunting for something that begins with the /h/ sound.
It will also be Christmas Show and Tell. Students are allowed to bring in one thing they got for Christmas so show their classmates.
*In Math we are still working on Unit 2: Numbers to 5. We will soon be moving on to the next unit.
*It is going to be very cold this week. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately. Extra socks can be left in your child’s bookbag in case their socks get wet when playing outside.
*I am still looking for plastic grocery bags for our classroom. If you have any to donate, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Posted: December 7, 2014
Here are a few things happening this week:
*In Literacy, we are working on the letter E e…isn’t
that excellent?! E e is another hard
working vowel because it has two sounds.
Some words that begin with the short ‘e’ are Emmett, Emma, egg,
excellent, elbow, elephant, elk, elm, emerald, empty, evergreen, and
engine. Some words that begin with the
long ‘e’ are Ethan, eagle, easel, eat, eel, email, emu, equal, and
evening. Show and Tell will be on Friday
so have fun finding something that starts with ‘e’.
*On Wednesday, December 10th, we are
having the 5th Annual Cocoa House.
This is a fun filled evening that begins first in the cafeteria with a
dessert auction. Bids open at 5:30. At 6:00 pm, the entertainment begins in the
gym where families will sing Christmas songs, tell jokes, play instruments,
etc. Come out and enjoy, and maybe
perform, some Christmas joy!
*On Thursday, December 11th, the school
choir will be singing at Saint Michael’s Basilica at 6:30. Again, if you want to be entertained with
some Christmas carols, come along.
*Some important dates to remember:
Christmas Concert – Dec. 16th at 9:00 am for K-2 and 12:30 for 3-5
(storm date is Dec. 17th)
Skating – Dec. 17th
Dec. 19th – Last day before the holidays (Full Day)
Posted: December 1, 2014
Here are few things happening this week:
*In Literacy, we are working on the letter K k. Some words that begin with this letter are kangaroo, Kennedy, Kacey, Keegan, kite, kitten, kick, kayak, and kool-aid. Show and Tell will be on Friday so have fun searching for something with the /k/ sound.
*In Math, we are still working on Unit 2: Numbers to 5.
*On Thursday, Dec. 4th the school cafeteria is having Christmas Dinner, consisting of turkey, potatoes, veggies, milk and dessert. The cost for this is $6.00. This will be the only meal served on Thursday. Please have money in by Wednesday if your child is getting the Christmas Dinner.
*Scholastic Book Orders are going home today and will be due back on Friday, Dec. 5th. If you would like to buy something for your child as a Christmas gift, please let me know it is a Christmas gift and I will put it aside for pick up at school.
*I am looking for plastic grocery bags. If you have any extras, please send them in with your child. Thank you!
Posted: November 28, 2014
Congratulations everyone! We had 2 students missing that won awards as well...Will Godfrey and Kacey Murray. Our class also won the MAD Award for Making A Difference at St. Andrew's! Keep up the great work!!Read more