Mr. Williston and Mrs. Comeau - Archive - 09/2012 Notes

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Posted: June 18, 2012

LAST WEEK of school plans.  Here are a few things we are doing this week.   *  Monday June 18th - Awards Ceremony for students and Thank You Concert for parents/loved ones.  The concert will begin at 12:30 sharp.  We will be having lunch early today.   *  Tuesday June 19th - Sports Day in the morning.  Please wear sneakers and sunscreen.  We will play Minute to Win in the afternoon.   *  Wednesday June 20th - We hope to be will be walking to Carter's store for an ice cream in the morning (weather permitting).   *  Thursday June 21st - The LAST day of School, Movie Day in the morning, and Saint Andrew's Kids Got Talent in the afternoon (12noon start time). Early lunch 11am. Students will be getting their report cards at 2pm.

Posted: June 7, 2012

Dear Family, In this unit, your child will be learning about measurement. The Learning Goals for this unit are to ·        Make comparisons between objects (longer, taller). ·        Order lengths of objects (shortest to longest). ·        Compare the areas of objects by covering them with different materials. ·        Practise the language of measurement using words such as longer/shorter, as tall as, more/less, heavier/lighter. ·        Compare the capacities of containers by filling them with water and other materials. ·        Compare the masses of objects using simple scales and balances. You can help your child reach these goals by doing our daily homework and by talking about measurement and using the language of measurement at home.   Thank you, Mr. Williston

Posted: June 7, 2012

Thursday June 7, 2012 Dear Grade 1 Parents, In order to make our class trip tomorrow more enjoyable, we ask that students remember the following: ·         Dress for the weather and wear good walking shoes (please no flip flops or crocs) ·         Pack a snack and water bottle (Please write your name on it) ·         Games,  electronic toys and cameras are not permitted ·         Students will be leaving the school at 9:40am for the train station Thank you for your support. Mr. Williston and Mrs. Robinson                                                                                                                           

Posted: May 14, 2012

Our class will be going for a walk Tuesday May 15th to the Beaver Dam weather permitting.

Posted: May 14, 2012

Permission slips were sent home today to participate in the noon hour walks in conjunction with the for Go for 42 Walk Program. The students will be supervised on theses walks.  Students will be walking on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's leaving the school playground at approximately 12:05.  

Posted: May 7, 2012

Dear Family, We have begun a new unit in Math on Geometry. Your child will be learning more about three-dimensional objects and two-dimensional shapes.   The Learning Goals for this unit are to: ·        Compare and sort objects or shapes according to one attribute, such as number of sides or whether they have curves. ·        Describe objects and shapes. For example, some objects can roll, some have points, some are curved, some can stack. ·        Reproduce composite objects and shapes, such as towers. ·        Identify shapes on objects, such as a circle on the bottom of a yogurt container. You can help your child reach these goals by doing our daily homework and pointing out or talking about objects and shapes at home.   Thank you, Mr. Williston

Posted: May 1, 2012

The Home and School will be meeting tonight, May 1st at 6:30pm.

Posted: April 12, 2012

The Home and School will be meeting tonight at 6:30pm All are welcome to attend.  

Posted: April 2, 2012

Mrs. Comeau and I would like to thank everyone who was able to come out and lead a hand with skating this year. Your support was greatly appreciated.

Posted: April 2, 2012

 The School Newsletter for the month of April has been sent home today with your child, please enjoy .

Posted: April 2, 2012

This week’s math homework includes two pages: one with the regular homework and a second with examples on what is expected for Tuesday night.

Posted: April 2, 2012

Our class enjoyed a very informative visit with Melanie Cripps at the Miramichi Waste Reduction Commission on Friday, March 30th where we learned about some of the things that can be recycled and reused. We talked about the City’s blue bins and how important it is to look after our environment. Students were given pencils make out of recycled blue jeans and a student workbook.

Posted: March 27, 2012

Just a reminder that tomorrow is the final day for skating. We will be leaving the school at 8:30am and returning at 10am.

Posted: March 2, 2012

Mrs. Comeau and I would like to wish everyone a happy and restful March Break. Have Fun!

Posted: February 20, 2012

There is no school on Friday, February 24th for students as teachers have curriculum meetings.
