Mr. Williston and Mrs. Comeau - Archive - 09/2012 Notes

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Posted: November 14, 2011

Book orders are due on Friday Nov. 18th

Posted: November 14, 2011

 The sight words for this week are...they, am, come, make and has.  I am very pleased with how hard our students are working in writing. This week everyone will be writing about their best "Band-Aid Story". 
 This week's sight words are: who, look, all, see, what.  We will be exploring these words in addition to last week's words: friend, big, he, with, not.  The students write each and every day in our literacy class. One great way to prepare yourself for class is to come to school with a "topic in your pocket".  This is simply a writing idea that will get you started for your daily writing activities.  Let's have another great week at St. Andrew's Elementary boys and girls!!!

Posted: October 26, 2011

Dear Parents, We are looking for ‘old fashioned’ Bingo markers for our students to use in Math class. Students use these markers on their 100 Chart, because they are small and see-through. This allows them to see patterns on the chart while still seeing the number below. If you can find any old markers that you no longer need and would like to give to our class, we would be very grateful.   Thank you, Mr. Williston   

Posted: October 24, 2011

School pictures will be sent home today, so please check your child's bookbag.

Posted: October 24, 2011

Hello everyone I hope you are all well rested from your long weekend and all set for a "spooktacular" week at St. Andrews Elementary!  This week in literacy we will be working with the following words: she, can, my, same, from.  We will also be exploring words from the "id" family. 

Posted: October 16, 2011

Greetings everyone I hope you all had an enjoyable and restful weekend!  Our sight words this week will be over, will, do, as, him.  This week's word family is "ug".  We will also be exploring some fun tongue twistersHint of the Week: Good readers make sure that what they read makes sense and looks right.  If your child is reading to you and they read The dog was tiny and they should have read The dog was little. Say to them "That makes sense but does it look right?" If they don't correct their mistake, prompt them by covering up the word little (correct word) and say "if it was tiny (what they said) what letter do you expect to see at the beginning of that word? If they say "t" , show them the word.  Tell them to try it again.  These prompts will help them correct their mistakes more effectively.. 

Posted: October 12, 2011

Book orders are due this Fridat October 14th. Thanks, Mr. Williston

Posted: October 10, 2011

In literacy this week we will be working with words from the "op" family.  This week's sight words are : this, when, on, here, was.  This week is Fire Prevention week.  Please check your fire alarms at home to make sure they are working properly.  Mid term reports will also be going on Friday.  These reports will help provide students with an indication of their overall progress thus far in grade one.  We hope you all have a great week and let's make it a fun one!

Posted: October 3, 2011

Our school magazine orders (QSP) are due on Tuesday, October 4th.   Thanks, Mr. Williston

Posted: October 2, 2011

This week's sight words are the following: is, in, was ,get, have. The word family of the week is "et". We will be starting an incentive program in reading this week. For every 10 books that are recorded in your child's reading log, their name will be entered into a draw.  Students may reread their take home books more than once.  Those students who wish to have more books at their reading level please get in touch with me.  HAPPY READING!!!  

Posted: September 28, 2011

If you are purchasing your child’s school photo, they are due back to school by Friday, Sept. 30th.   Thanks, Mr. Williston

Posted: September 28, 2011

The September book orders have been sent home today. Please check your child’s book bag it your placed an order.

Posted: September 25, 2011

 This week's sight words will be the following: had, that, and, for, of. The word family will be "ad".  Practise these words with your child nightly.  We will also be preparing for this Friday's Grandparents - Special Person program.  The program will start at 9:00 am.  Come on out and enjoy the fun!

Posted: September 18, 2011

This week we will be exploring the following five word wall sight words.  They are:the, at, went, you, like.This week's word family will be the "at" family.  We will also be working on blends such as: sl, br and bl, etc.In writing this week the students are reminded to come with a "topic in their pocket".  This is any topic that may be of interest to your child that will help motivate them in our daily writing exercises.The students were introduced to the game of checkers last week and it was a big hit. If any of you have spare checker boards and pieces we would gladly accept them, thanks!  We are looking forward to having another exciting week.
