Mr. Williston and Mrs. Comeau - Archive - 09/2012 Notes

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Posted: September 14, 2011

Our school 'picture day' is on Monday September 20th.

Posted: September 14, 2011

Book orders are due on Wednesday September 21st.  

Posted: September 12, 2011

September 12, 2011 Dear Grade 1 Families,             Each month we will be sending home the Scholastic book order for you and your child to look through and possibly order from. If you do not want this order form to be sent home with your child, please send a note to school and we will not put it in their notice folder. Thank you, Mr. Williston and Mrs. Comeau

Posted: September 8, 2011

September 8, 2011       Dear Parents,                                    Now that another school year has gotten underway, it is time to talk about the math homework your child will be bringing home. On the first day of each week, your child will be given a math sheet that will review what is to be covered that week in class. This sheet is a review of what is taught, so I ask that it not be all completed in one night. This homework should only take a few minutes and if your child has difficulty, please write a note so that I can give them extra help at school. The completion of daily homework will be reflected on their report card and will assist with classroom teaching and planning.             If at any time you have questions about what is being covered in class, please contact me.   With thanks, Mr. Williston  

Posted: September 7, 2011

Good afternoon Parents, I have resent home many ‘Student Information Profile’ sheets today as some important information is missing. We look to these sheets for information in case of an emergency or illness, so please double check and return as soon as possible. With thanks, R. Williston

Posted: September 7, 2011

September 6, 2011                            Dear Grade One Parents and Families,   Please allow me to welcome you and your child to grade one at Saint Andrews Elementary.  Mrs. Emily Comeau and I will be your child’s homeroom teachers this year and we are looking forward to a year full of learning and wonderful new experiences for your child.   Throughout the year, we will be sending home: notes, tests, memos, etc. in your child’s notice folder, so please check it each night so you are up to date with what is going on here at school. We will also be using our class/teacher homepage on the school website to share information with you.   Mrs. Comeau and I are often available before or after school if you have a question about your child, but please keep in mind that we both teach until 3pm. Notes from home are always welcome, so please keep in touch.      Sincerely yours,   Mr. Ralph Williston and Mrs. Emily Comeau                                                                                        

Posted: April 28, 2011

Just a reminder that this Friday, April 29th is a half day for all students at Saint Andrews. Students will be leaving at 11:30am.   Thanks, Mr. Williston

Posted: April 28, 2011

Posted: April 28, 2011

ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION WORD PROBLEMS         There are five steps a student needs to do in order to solve a math word problem: 1.    Read the story carefully 2.   Decide whether you will need to add or subtract 3.   Draw out a picture to try to solve the problem 4.   Write the number sentence 5.   Finally, write the answer sentence. For example: Tommy went fishing. Under a big tree he caught 1 trout. Further down the river, he caught 2 more trout. How many trout did he catch in all?                                                               1 + 2 = 3    

Posted: March 21, 2011

Just a remimder that we will be going skating for the last time this year on Wednesday, March 30th at the LBA. Students will be leaving the school around 8:45am and skaing until 9:45am. Hope to see you then!  

Posted: March 21, 2011

Dear Parents: In this unit, your child will be learning about measurement. The learning Goals for this unit are: ·        Make comparisons between objects (longer, taller). ·        Order lengths of objects (shortest to longest). ·        Compare the areas of objects by covering them with different materials. ·        Practise the language of measurement using words such as longer/shorter, as tall as, more/less, heavier/lighter. ·        Compare the capacities of containers by filling them with water and other materials. ·        Compare the masses of objects using simple scales and balances. You can help you child reach these goals by helping them with their homework and talking about their day.  

Posted: March 1, 2011

Parents and Students, The grade 1 students will be having an addition test on Wednesday, March 2nd. Please review the parent letter in thier homework notebook. Mr. Williston    

Posted: March 1, 2011

February 28, 2011 Dear Parents;    MATH        Students need to know a number of different strategies to to add or subtract.      Addition Strategies   1.     Simply know the number fact. 2.     Count on -   For example, 8+4=  your child begins at 8 so all they have to do is count on four –  9, 10, 11, 12. 3.     Double Facts -   For example, a question of 5+6= is given.  If they knew 5+5= 10, then they know 6 is 1 more than 5 just add the 1 to the 10.   Subtraction Strategies 1.     Simply knowing the facts. 2.     Counting backwards – For example, 5-2= your child begins at 5 and counts backwards 4, 3. 3.     Knowing addition facts – Knowing 2+3=5 will help to know subtraction is a reconfiguration of addition facts, such as, 5-2=3 or 5-3=2.   Working with facts repeatedly will help students remember them like memorization.  Knowing the strategies will help them figure out unknown facts.

Posted: February 23, 2011

Baby London will be visiting our class this Friday and we can't wait to see how she has grown.

Posted: February 14, 2011

I am proud to announce that our recent student video production was nominated for a District 16 CUTE Award.  The video entitled, "The Daily 5 Jive" was selected as a finalist in the digital video category.  The Award ceremony will be held at JMH on February 16th at 6:15.  Parents are welcome to attend this fine celebration of student talent within St. Andrews Elementary and the entire district!
