
Posted: November 25, 2013

Another way to accumulate 60 minutes of physical activity each day is by using active transportation. What is active transportation? It means to walk, bike or rollerblade instead of going by car! To do this: Put on your sneakers, strap on a backpack and walk all, or part of the way to school. Think twice before asking for a drive. Could you walk or use your bike instead?

Posted: November 25, 2013

To: Parents and Guardians of Saint Andrew’s Elementary Students From: Saint Andrew’s Elementary Home and School Association Date: November 25, 2013 Re: Last chance for Christmas CD     The deadline for ordering the Christmas CDs is Thursday, November 28, 2013. The CD is all classes at Saint Andrew’s and the choir, singing all your Christmas favorites. If you are interested in purchasing CDs we require orders and payments in advance. The CDs will be $10 each or 2 for $15.00. The proceeds of all CD sales will go to support the hard work of your child’s Home and School.  

Posted: November 25, 2013

Friday, November 29th is a national day to show support for Sport by wearing a jersey, team or club uniform to school. So come on St. Andrew’s, dig out your favorite team jersey and proudly wear it to school!

Posted: November 25, 2013

The annual Sports Day in Canada will be held on November 30th, 2013 in communities from coast to coast. This national celebration of Sport is an opportunity for all Canadians to celebrate the power of Sport and build community. To celebrate National Sports Day at Saint Andrew’s the teachers will be playing a friendly floor hockey game against grade 5 students on Friday, November 29th afternoon in the gym.

Posted: November 21, 2013

The students and staff of Saint Andrews celebrated Blue Shirt Day on Wednesday November 20th. Our Peer Helpers lead the program and provided wonderful examples of how to be a friend and how to keep our school a safe and happy place for everyone. Mrs. Judy Losier was our guest speaker and talked to us about the benefits of volunteering.The event concluded with songs from our choir and the taking of our Blue Shirt Day school picture. A special thanks goes out to Mrs. Losier and Mr. Peter Gadd for taking time out of their busy day to be part of ours.

Posted: November 21, 2013

Thur. Nov. 21st  6-8pmFri. Nov. 22nd  9-11:30am

Posted: November 15, 2013

Energy drinks (ie. Redbull, Monster, Red Rain, Rockstar, Amp, Five hour Energy) claim to give you more energy and make you more alert. However, they are full of caffeine and sugar! They also contain other substances, such as guarana, that has 2-3 times more caffeine than a coffee bean. The amount of caffeine in most energy drinks exceeds the recommendations for children.  Caffeine can cause nervousness, anxiety, stomach/intestinal upset, rapid heart rate, trouble sleeping, headache, fatigue, irritability and poor concentration. Therefore, energy drinks won’t give you

Posted: November 14, 2013

Important Message to Parents and Guardians: Requests for Alternate Bussing Arrangements (Bus Passes)                 Dear Parents /Guardians, As you are aware, the safety of your children, our students, is of the utmost importance to us and this includes safe transportation to and from school.  The amount of requests schools receive to place students on different school busses is a great concern. This becomes difficult for administration to monitor as large numbers of alternate bus passes are being issued. Young students are often unsure where they are supposed to go and many may be

Posted: November 12, 2013

Don't forget our upcoming Scholastics Book Fair. It will be held on Tuesday, November 19th - During the day (Class visits only) Wednesday, November 20th - 6pm - 8pm Thursday, November 21st -  6pm - 8pm

Posted: November 12, 2013

Benefits of Physical Activity  (Please see the attachment)        


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