final district Cross Country meet of the season will take place this Wed. Oct.
14th at the Blackville School. The meet starts at 4pm, so runners
should be picked up at the school at 3:05pm in ordered to get to the meet on time.
Please send a note with your child if they are being picked up and indicate where
you will meet them (office or Frost Street).
Friday Oct. 16th we will be hosting our school Cross Country Meet
here at Saint Andrews. The race will start at 12:40pm in the Hollow and is only
for members of our school team. Parents and family members are welcome to come
The Anglophone North School District Educational Council
will be holding a public engagement session to discuss the 10-year education
plan. The session will be held on Thursday, October 29th at Gretna
Green Elementary School from 7:00-8:30p.m.
All community members are encouraged to attend.
The students and staff at Saint Andrews attended fire
prevention sessions with members of our city fire department on Monday October
5th. Please check out our image gallery.
Our Home and School will be continuing with their FundScrip
fundraiser again this year. Information was sent home on Monday, October 5th
with every student and all forms are due back to the school on Friday, Oct. 16th.
For additional information, please check out the videos
provided or email Darlene Barry a member of our Home and School. darlene.barry@bellaliant.netwww.youtube.com/watch?v=OnRSZXHsO4k
Unfortunately due to the heavy rainfall the NSEE Cross Country Meet that was scheduled for today (Wed. Sept. 30th) has been postponed and will be rescheduled for Monday October 5th at 4:00 pm. Thank You
and School meeting Tuesday, September 29 at 6:00 pm. All are welcome!
second Cross Country meet will be held at North & South Esk Elementary on
Wednesday, September 30 starting at 4pm.
Please park in the area parking lot.
annual Terry Fox Walk will take place Thursday, October 1st at 12:30 (K-3),
and 1:30 (gr.4-5). Please ensure that
your child has returned his/her permission slip to leave school grounds. Our goal is to raise $300.00 for research.
Our Grandparents Day concert for K-3 students will
take place Friday, October 2 at 9:15 am.
The Saint Andrews
Cross Country team competed in the first meet of the season on Wed. Sept. 23 at
England’s Hollow. We had 72 runners from our school and were the largest team
to participate. Following are the top three runners from our school in each of
the 6 races:
Gr. 3 Girls:
Brooklyn Kelly, Abby Wishart, Lana Martin
Gr. 3 Boys: Emmitt
Whitty, Lincoln Searle-Moreshouse, David Williston
Gr. 4 Girls:
Ava Godfrey, Alysa Smith, Lauren Stymiest
Gr. 4 Boys:
Logan Saunders, Kevin Park, Samuel Comeau
Gr. 5 Girls:
Caitlin Carroll, Kaitlin Martin, Madi Walsh
Gr. 5 Boys: