Mlle. Rousselle - Archive - 09/2012 Notes

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Posted: October 28, 2011

 -Please remember all the grade 5's will be carving pumpkins in the cafeteria first thing on Monday morning. (8:30) - Our class will also have a Halloween party Monday from 2-3. Students can bring treats for the class but are not obligated.

Posted: October 24, 2011

1. lecture 15 minutes (journal due Friday) 2. English reading log 3. math-sheet due Friday                                         - study math facts 0-5                                - math quiz on patterns (Friday) study pages: 6,7 10, 4. Book Fair Tuesday 2:10-2:30 5. any incomplete math in class will be due    Bonne semaine!

Posted: October 21, 2011

Just a reminder that this Monday October 24th, students can come to school dressed up as their favorite book character. We will also be going to the Library Fair this Tuesday!   Have a great weekend!

Posted: October 17, 2011

1. lecture 15 minutes (journal) 2. English reading log 3. feuille de math 4. Étudie X 0-4 quiz vendredi   * Please note: There is no school for students this Friday.

Posted: October 11, 2011

1. lecture 15 minutes et le journal 2. two English reading log 3. math quiz (multiplication 0-3) Friday 4. Interim reports go out Friday 5. Book order due Thursday Oct. 13 6. math test to be signed for tomorrow 7. French work sheet due Friday

Posted: October 3, 2011

1. lecture 15 minutes en français (journal) 2. English reading log (2 per week, due Thursday) 3. Math test this Friday (Module 2) Both quizes combined. - estimation, écrit en lettre, forme symbolique, forme développée, valeur de position 4. Magazine order are due tomorrow (Tuesday) 5. Picture retake are this Thursday October 6 6. Ecris une phrase pour chaque mots d'ortho (vendredi)  

Posted: September 26, 2011

1. lecture en français (15 minutes et le journal) 2. English reading log (10 minutes) 3. Math quiz: Estimation (pages 49-50, 54-55) 4.Study time tables (0-3) 5. Return school pictures 6. Terry Fox walk Wednesday September 28

Posted: September 20, 2011

1. lecture 15 minutes (journal)   2. Math quiz this Friday -Students must represent and describe whole numbers up to 1 000 000. -study page 37 (valeur d'un nombre) -study page 44 (la forme développée, la forme symbolique, écrire les nombres en lettre) -study times table (0-2) 3. book order due tomorrow (Wednesday) 4. Library books due Thursday 5. Please bring in tin whistle   Bonne semaine!      

Posted: September 12, 2011

1. lecture 15 minutes. (write reading on Sept. calendar) journal 2. English reading (20 min.) reading log 3. 2$ Agenda 4. Students who ran out of duo-tangs must bring some in. 5. Decorate "Ecriture" duo-tang for tomorrow 6. Open House Tomorrow @ 6:00 pm   Have a great week! Mlle Rousselle :)

Posted: September 7, 2011

Bonjour les parents!   Welcome to Mlle Rousselle's class. Please make sure to check this website on a regular basis in order to keep up to date with your child's homework, projects, test, ect. I am really looking foward to this school year. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.   Mlle Rousselle :)

Posted: June 13, 2011

 Our class and Mme Prince's class will be releasing our little fishies this Friday at the Weyerton bridge. We will be going to the Fish Hatchery in South Esk afterwards. Please make sure your child has his/her permission slip in order to attend this trip. * Please note that their is no homework from now on. The end of the year is approching and students are finishing up incomplete work in class. They must continue to ready in French every night however!   Have a great week!

Posted: June 6, 2011

 1. lecture 15 minutes (worksheet due Wednesday) 2. Permission slip and 4$ for the Acadian Village field trip before Thursday.  

Posted: May 25, 2011

In class, students are working very hard at reviewing and getting ready for their math assessments this week. They will be starting Thursday morning. Please make sure they continue to study at home. Also, please make sure your child has plenty of rest, exercices and has a healthy breakfast.   Bonne semaine à tous!

Posted: May 16, 2011

1. lecture 15 minutes 2. Study math facts every night (last week before the assessments) 3. Incomplete math in class will be going home. 4. mental math to be signed every night 5. Library this Thursday
