Miss Hart Archive 09/2013 Notes

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Bonjour mes petits feuilles, Today we had an assembly on fire safety! We reviewed counting money (1, 5, 10, 25, 1,00$) and did buddy reading with Mrs. Stewart's grade 3 class! Sentence of the day: Je ne sais pas  (I don't know)Pour les devoirs:francais- study les 24 mots fréquents Review and read le son de la semaine "o" (the new sound of the week "o")orangeaurevoiroctobremath- We are reviewing how to count change (1, 5, 10, 25, 1,00$) in class but feel free to practice with real money at home!!Sign the leaf autobiographies and read them to your parent's- we will share them with the class tomorrow!anglais- read 15 min and reading logSCHOLASTIC ORDERS ARE DUE TOMORROW!Bonne soirée, Mlle Hart et Jacob   
Bonjour mes petits chauve-souris, It was great to see you all back again today and I hope that you had a relaxing long weekend! I will be marking and handing back your autobiographies soon. Today we learned how to write our schedules of the day (l'horaire du jour). In math we are working on counting change using: 1, 5, 10, 25 cents to make 1,00$ or more.    Sentence of the day- Quelle heure est-il? (What time is it?)Pour les devoirs:Francais- study the last 24 mots fréquents (quiz will be vendredi ou lundi) Please Note:I have not been sending home the books to read because we only have a limited amount and many of the books we cover are done digitally via the smartboard. Show and tell has only happened once since the student's are still learning how to express themselves ( I will keep you posted on the next one)Anglais- reading log and read for 15 min Bonne journéeMlle. Hart et Jacob!
Bonjour mes petits dînde,Today we learned how to say what we love- J'adore le pizza et Jacob! Français-quiz tomorrow on les mots fréquentspractice le son "i" Math- quiz tomorrow on les chiffres 1-100hand back math tests signedBook orders due October 12thNo school Monday or Tuesday Sentence of the day-Je dis merçi pour... (I am thankful for...)Lundi c'est un congé pour L'Action de Grâce! Bonne fin de semaine!     

Posted: October 3, 2012

N'oubliez pas vos livre! J'adore les livres!
Bonjour mes petit souris, We are learning how to say what we like, dislike and love about school. A l'école j'aime... A l'école je n'aime pasJ'adore...Les devoirs pour mardi et mercredi:1) francais- practice le son "i"Study les mots frequent- quiz vendredi go over "les expression utiles" sheets2) Math-sign math test (Excellent travail!) The top mark was 98%!study numbers 1-100-quiz vendredi 3) anglais- read 15 min and reading log Scholastic orders due October 12thSchool pictures need to be handed in and e-mail sheet filled in Note: Please remember to bring your books to and from school and to sign your agenda's :) Bonne soirée Mlle. Hart et Jacob 
Bonjour mes petit citrouille, C'est le lundi 1 octobre, 2012! Today we had a math test on the lessons 1-5. Excellent work everyone! We will be starting lesson 6 tomorrow. Also we are doing "mon autobiographie" to sum up our first section in French. Pour les devoirs: Give 3 notices to your parents... français- study the next new 18 mots fréquents- quiz vendredi -read the poem for the new sound "i" math- sheet (try your best) study #'s 1-100 quiz friday anglais-read for 15 min  Bonne soirée Mlle Hart et Jacob
Bonjour les amies! Today we reviewed "Je suis plus grand que...je suis plus courte que..."and we will soon be finishing up the first part of our unit on je suis unique! Excellent work so far :)Les devoirs:1) math- quiz tomorrow on numbers 1-80 2)francais-Sign the French contract and the je suis unique sheet that you read in front of the class today  le son "e" practice reading the poem- we will do all of the sheets in class tomorrowread the books sent home 3x quiz tomorrow on 'les mots fréquents'3) Anglais- read 15 min and reading log entry Reminders: Scholastic book orders due Oct 12th The grandparents day concert is tomorrow at 10am  Key sentences of the day: Comment dit-on _________ en francais AND Est-ce que je peux remplir mon bouteil de l'eau s'il vous plais A Demain! Mlle. Hart

Posted: September 26, 2012

Library tomorrow- please return your books in order to take out new ones.Have a great evening!
Bonjour les amies! Today we learned how to say if we are taller or shorter than someone- Je suis plus grand que...je suis plus courte que...Les devoirs:1) math study # 1-8- quiz friday  2) le son "e" practice reading the poem- we will do the sheets in class tomorrowread the books sent home 3x (If you forgot them-that's ok!)quiz friday on 'les mots fréquents'3) Anglais- read 15 min Scholastic book orders due Oct 12th NOTE: Some of the September books have not arrived yet. When they arrive I will send them home :)Key sentence of the day: Comment dit-on _________ en francais.A Demain! Mlle. Hart
NOTE: PICTURE DAY IS TOMORROW! Now we know how to describe our hair and our eye colour! Mes cheveux sont, mes yeux sont...Bonjours mes amies, Les devoirs...Please give the 3 notices to your parents...1) math- study numbers 1-80 (quiz vendredi)           - sheet due tomorrow on lesson 32) francais- the new sound-le son 'e' sheet (read outloud and say the sound) only complete the first two worksheets!review 'les mots fréquents' quiz friday read one of three books (each child has a different book either: Dans mon sac, Juno a l'école or les jours de la semaine)3) anglais- read for 15 min Bonne soirée et reposé bienMlle. Hart et Jacob
Bonjour les amies, Today we learned how to describe our hair! Mes cheveux sont... Pour les devoirs:1) math-study numbers 1-80 (Quiz Vendredi)2) français- study les mots fréquent (spelling quiz vendredi)               -lire 'dans mon sac' 3 fois               -sign 'voici mon amie' paragraph3) anglais- lire pendant 15 min Important Reminders: Picture day is wednesday anti-bullying awareness week is this week grandparents day concert is friday at 10h00all fluoride forms must be handed in asap
Aujourd'hui c'est le vendredi 21 septembre, 2012 Bonjour les amies! Today we had a great day in gym (le gymnase) doing Zumba with Mlle. Hitchman! Also we presented our friends in front of the class and did show and tell (montre et raconte)! Excellent travail les amies! We worked on our watercolor paintings (peinture aquarelle) in art and did our math quiz on the numbers 1-60. Monday I will send home the book "dans mon sac d'école" to the student's who did not get it on Thursday.     We had a huge book order this month, sending in a total of over 300$ (trois cent dollars)!!! I hope that we can save the bonus coupons and use it towards something neat for our grade 3 class!   Relaxé et reposé bien! Bonne fin de semaine Mlle. Hart et Jacob

Posted: September 20, 2012

A quick reminder:Please send the fluoride forms back with your child if you would like the treatments.  MerçiMlle. Hart :) 
Bonsoir mes amies! I am so proud of all of the hard work and progress that you all have made so far! Don't forget to use the pictures provided of the class members to practice describing your friends (tes amies)!  Voici mon amie Il/elle s'appelle_____ Il /elle a 7/8 ans Il/elle est en 3e année Il/elle est une fille/un garçon We will also be presenting our friends tomorrow in front of the class with the mic. It's so exciting to hear you all speaking French!       Pour les devoirs: 1) Math-practice #'s 1-60 (Quiz tomorrow) 2) Scholastic orders are due tomorrow 3) Français: Practice le son "a"-read it, say it, write it. Montre et Racontre (show and tell) tomorrow for those who did not present last Friday For those of you who have the book "Dans mon sac..." please read it 3 times to someone. Remember how I showed you how to read it :) 4) Anglais with Madame. Lamkey -read for 15 min   Please remember to sign the agenda's or to let me know how your child is feeling (the emotions) if need be! This is a great way to stay connected. Bonne nuit! Mlle.Hart et Jacob    
Bonjour mes amies! Les devoirs:1) Math-numbers practice from 1-60 (Quiz on Friday)2) Français-practiqué le son "a" and do the 4 worksheets to go with it (Don't forget to say it when you write "a") 3) Anglais- read for 15 min 4) Scholastic orders are due: le Vendredi 21 septembre, 2012 Please note:Many students are eager to start reading to their parents, so I am going to begin sending French books home tomorrow, and they must read it to someone 3 times. There are not enough copies for everyone so we will be alternating evenings of when they will be bringing home the books.Don't worry, we have practiced it many times in class first! :) Have fun!Bonne soirée :)Mlle. Hart et Jacob
