Les devoirs pour le jeudi 20 septembre, 2012

Posted: September 20, 2012

Bonsoir mes amies! I am so proud of all of the hard work and progress that you all have made so far! Don't forget to use the pictures provided of the class members to practice describing your friends (tes amies)!  Voici mon amie Il/elle s'appelle_____ Il /elle a 7/8 ans Il/elle est en 3e année Il/elle est une fille/un garçon We will also be presenting our friends tomorrow in front of the class with the mic. It's so exciting to hear you all speaking French!       Pour les devoirs: 1) Math-practice #'s 1-60 (Quiz tomorrow) 2) Scholastic orders are due tomorrow 3) Français: Practice le son "a"-read it, say it, write it. Montre et Racontre (show and tell) tomorrow for those who did not present last Friday For those of you who have the book "Dans mon sac..." please read it 3 times to someone. Remember how I showed you how to read it :) 4) Anglais with Madame. Lamkey -read for 15 min   Please remember to sign the agenda's or to let me know how your child is feeling (the emotions) if need be! This is a great way to stay connected. Bonne nuit! Mlle.Hart et Jacob