Miss Hart Archive 09/2013 Notes

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Bonjour mes amies!For homework (les devoirs) tonight...1) Math: -practice #'s 1-50             -Lesson 1 worksheet (Les unités, dizaines,   centaines)2) Practice outloud le son "a" AAAaaaAAAaaa in your cahier de sons.    We are now describing our friends- you can use the photos of the class posted in our 'image gallery' to practice!Il/elle s'appelle_____Il/elle a 7/8 ansIl/elle est une fille/garconIl/elle est en 3e année Bonne soirée!Mlle. Hart et Jacob 

Posted: September 12, 2012

Bonjour les amies, Our Terry Fox walk will be on Friday, Sept 14th at 10:30am.  Also, we ask that the student's bring in a monetary donation to help the Terry Fox Foundation.The photographer will be at the school on Wednesday Sept. 26th to take the school pictures. Bonne Journée!Mlle. Hart et Jacob

Posted: September 12, 2012

Bonjour, Hello! For homework (les devoirs), I would like the student's to continue to practice their numbers (1-50) saying them and writing them in French each night. On Friday, I am going to have a little informal quiz to test what they know.We are currently using flashcards and our whiteboards (les tableaux) to practice them in class. Bonne Journée, Mlle. Hart   

Posted: September 7, 2012

Bonjour les 3e année! Aujourd'hui c'est le vendredi, 7 septembre, 2012-Youpi! We are learning lot's in French Immersion so far: I can practice my days of the week (les jours de la semaine), the months of the year (Les mois de l'année), and even my numbers from 1 à 20! I can say my name and ask you yours, (Je m'appelle____, comment t'appelles-tu?) and also I am learning to say my age (J'ai _ ans, quelle âge as-tu?). I know that sometimes I may feel frustrated, or tired, but when it clicks it feels great!- and it will. Have a great weekend! Bonne fin de semaine! The scholastic book orders are due september 21st and there is a notice regarding cafeteria meals in your agenda's. Mlle. Hart et Jacob (notre mascotte)
