Mme Glazier Notes

4/5 Glazier


Posted: March 22, 2016

A reminder that we will be skating tomorrow Wednesday, March 23rd from 8:45 - 9:45 at the LBA.

March 21st- The Great Big Crunch (Apple eating in gymnasium) and Greenest Lunch Day. Bring as many "greens" as possible for lunch.

March 22nd - World Water Day - Dring only water all day. Don't forget to bring your water bottle

March 23rd -Skating at LBA and Healthy Snack Day

March 24th - Lunch Date with a Dietitian

March 25th -Good Friday...No school

Posted: March 14, 2016

Welcome back. I hope everyone had a restful and well deserved break. I was excited to listen to everone's stories this morning. Please refer to our school calendar that had been sent home prior to the break or our school website for a listing of events and activities to take place throughout the remainder of the month. 

French - Procedural writing assignemnt has been marked and sent home. This week, students will begin a "recit d'aventure" As always, guided reading takes place daily and students are to continue reading nightly at home for 15 minutes. 

Math - We are continuing with Fractions. This week our focus will be the relationship between a fraction and decimals. Next week we will focus on ordering factions. There will be a small quiz Friday. Please let me know if you require extra homework/qustions to practice at home. 

Social Studies - Students have been working diligently on an assignment these past 2 months. grade 4 have been studying Canadian provinces and grade 5 students have been studying First nation communities. They will be presenting their projects Thursday and Friday of this week.


Students are encouraged to wear green Thursday. St.Andrew's will be celebrating St.Patrick's Day.

As always, if you have any questions, comments/concerns, please contact me at school. Let's have a great week!

Posted: March 1, 2016


Skating at LBA Wednesday 8:45-9:45

Spell-a_Thon assembly Thursday afternoon in gymnasium

Winter Activity Day Friday. Notice to be sent home with your child.


Posted: February 22, 2016

Welcome back. Another great week in 4/5 Glazier ahead of us. Many school activities are planned this week. Tuesday afternoon will be St.Andrew's Spell-a-Thon in the cafeteria. Wwednesday, St.Andrew's will be celebrating Pink Shirt Day. Mrs. Comeau has also asked our class bring an extra black shirt to school on Wednesday as well.

French - We continue to read and write as per usual. Please ensure reading takes place every night for 15 minutes. Our next writing piece will be on opinions. 

Math - We began our new unit on Fractions last week. Long division practice sheets, however, will continue to be sent home to practice. Homework is due Friday. If you require any additional work, please feel free to contact me.

Feel free to contact me at school or write a brief note if you have any questions, comments and/or concerns. Let's have a great week.

Posted: February 19, 2016

Wednesday, February 24th will be Pink Shirt Day at St. Andrew's. 4/5 Glazier has been asked by Mrs. Comeau to also bring a seperate black shirt for a special presentation. Thank you. 

Posted: February 15, 2016

Welcome back to another week in 4/5 Glazier. A note to parents/guardians that snowshoeing has been cancelled for this week due to the cold. It has be re-scheduled for the week prior to March break. 

We continue to work on writing. This week, students will be completing the good copie's of their procedural writing. Corrected writing pieces along with rubrics will be sent home next week. Please ensure that your child continues to read at home for 15 minutes each night.

Math - Multiplication and divison test will take place Monday. They will be corrected and sent home to be signed and returned. Our next unit of study will be Fractions. Once underway, practice homework sheets will be sent home. If you would like extra multiplication and division homwework sheets sent home to practice, please feel free to write me a note.

Social Studies - Students continue to review and finalize their Notebook presentation on Canadian provinces (grade 4) and/or First Nation communities (grade 5).  

If you have any comments and/or concerns please feel free to contact me at school. Let's have a great week!


Study for Spell-a-Thon 

Scholastic orders due Feb 19th

Snowshoeing cancelled this wekk due to frigid temperatures.

Posted: February 8, 2016

Welcome back to another week in 4/5 Glazier. St. Andrew's Annual Spell-a-Thon fundraiser information sheets including spelling words will be sent home today. A reminder that student's will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Friday. 

We continue to work on a procedural writing piece. This week students will be reviewing and correcting their rough copie's. Please ensure that your child continues to read at home for 15 minutes each night.

Math - This week we will continue with long division. Friday will be spent reviewing our multiplication and division unit. Unit test will be next Monday. Homework sheets will be sent home this Monday to practice. Homework is due Friday.

If you have any comments and/or concerns please feel free to contact me at school. Let's have a great week!


Spell-a-Thon information sheet sent home

Valentine's Friday.

Scholastic orders due Feb 19th


Posted: February 1, 2016

Welcome back to another week in 4/5G! Our monthly newsletter will be sent home with student tomorrow. Please check your child's homework bag.

This week in French we continue to work on our spelling and procedural writing pieces. Various Valentine comprehension, reading and art activities will also take place throughout the week/month.

Math quizes have been marked and sent home to be signed. They are to be returned Tuesday. This week we will begin to look at division. Practice sheets have been sent home in their red duo tangs and are due by Friday.


15 minutes reading

Quiz signed and returned by Tuesday.

Math sheets due Friday

Scholastic due February 19th

Snowshoeing February 18th

Posted: January 25, 2016

Welcome back! Another great week ahead of us in 4/5G

Students continue to read, practice daily word work and comprehension activities. This week, students will be writing a procedural assignment of their choice. Most of the week will be spent going over components of procedural writing and working on their rough copies.

Over the last 2 weeks in math students have been working on multiplication. Homework sheets have also been sent home to be completed for Friday. This week we will commence division. Please continue to practice mental math strategies and refer to my web links section for extra resources and activities.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions and/or concerns. Let's have a great week :)


Skating Wednesday morning at the LBA

Posted: January 8, 2016

Welcome back to another week in 4/5 Glazier. Another busy yet enjoyable week coming up.

Last week students completed their final Christmas writing piece. Once corrected and marked they will be sent home. Social studies (Les Explorateurs) projects have been corrected and will be sent home Monday. Grade 4 students are currently studying Canadian provinces whereas the grade 5s are learing all about our First Nations communities.

Oral and written French structures continue daily. Please ensure that your child continues to read at home every night for 15 minutes.

We have begun our multiplication and division unit in math this past week. Please continue to practice times tables at home. Practice sheets will also be sent home to practice. They are due on Friday. Please refer to my web links section as well for practice games that can be played at home. 

STEM (a.k.a Science Fair) will commence as well Monday for all 4/5 sxtudents who are interested in participating. Meetings will take place Monday at 11:30 in my classroom. I will provide assistance/guidance. This is an extra-curricular activity however, and the majority of work must be completed at home if your child decides to partake.

Please do no hesitate tyo contact me at school if you have any questions and/or concerns. Lets have a great week!


Skating January 27th at LBA

Scholastic due January 22nd

Posted: December 13, 2015

A big congratulations goes out to Mrs. Comeau, students, choir members and staff who assistance with this years Christmas concert recital. It was a huge success! The holiday season is also upon us. I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New year! With that being said, we still have 1 busy week ahead of us before we can enjoy a well deserved break.

Monday, the grade 5s will be writing a provincial math benchmark assessment. Last week's 4/5 geometry unit test will also be sent home to be signed. Our next unit of study is multiplication. Practice sheets will be sent home throughout the week as a refresher. Please ensure that students practice their math facts throughout. Please refer to my web link for assistance. We will continue after the break.

A reminder to parents/guardians that our class breakfast will be this Friday, November 18th. We will commence at 9 a.m. Feel free to drop in if you please. Students are also permitted to wear their pj's and bring a comfy pillow and/or teddy for our movie.  

As always, fell free to contact me if you have any questions, comments and/or concerns. Thank you!

Posted: December 4, 2015

Welcome back to another week in 4/5 Glazier Homework: lecture 15 minutes and Friday's math geometry quiz to be signed for Tuesday. Tuesday December 8th – Christmas dress rehearsal starting at 8:45am. Wednesday December 9th –PE in the classrooms because the chairs and concert stage are up in the gym. Thursday December 10th –Christmas concert. December Scholastic orders due Friday, December 11th. If you have any question and/or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school. Thank you and have a good week.

Posted: November 30, 2015

Welcome back :) Homework: - Read 15 minutes - Geometry math quiz Friday. Bring math duo-tang home to review Notes: Skating at LBR Wednesday. Christmas CD orders due Wednesday as well. Cafeteria Christmas diner Thusday ($6.25) This will be the only meal served that day. Thursday is also Red & Green day at school. Scholastic orders due December 11th

Posted: November 24, 2015

Dear parents/guardians, I am excited to be teaching your child for the remainder of the academic year, whilst Mme.Glazier is off on maternity leave. Many familiar faces and fond memories from grade 3 FI. I look forward to the many activities and projects planned ahead. If you have any questions and/or concerns throughout the year, please feel free to contact me. Mr.Glazier
