8-12 février

Posted: February 8, 2016

Welcome back to another week in 4/5 Glazier. St. Andrew's Annual Spell-a-Thon fundraiser information sheets including spelling words will be sent home today. A reminder that student's will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Friday. 

We continue to work on a procedural writing piece. This week students will be reviewing and correcting their rough copie's. Please ensure that your child continues to read at home for 15 minutes each night.

Math - This week we will continue with long division. Friday will be spent reviewing our multiplication and division unit. Unit test will be next Monday. Homework sheets will be sent home this Monday to practice. Homework is due Friday.

If you have any comments and/or concerns please feel free to contact me at school. Let's have a great week!


Spell-a-Thon information sheet sent home

Valentine's Friday.

Scholastic orders due Feb 19th