Posted: November 28, 2013
What's Happening?? Week of December 3 to December 6th... Letter of the week: Letter Ee Ethan, Evan, egg, and envelope... Can you think of any other words beginning with letter Ee ? Don't forget show and tell on Friday. Bring in something beginning with the letter Ee's sound. It can be Ellie Elephant's sound or the bossy Ee sound, it's your choice! 1,2,3,4,5... We will continue to explore numbers this week! Important Dates: December 5th- Scholastic book orders due.December 17th- Christmas Concert- K-3 in am, 4-5 in pm. December 18th- in the evening. December 20th- Last day for students before Christmas break :) Notes: please send in any empty plastic 2 litre pop bottles you may have. We want them for a craft. Please send them in by December 13th. Thank you!