Posted: October 8, 2012
I hope everyone had a nice and relaxing Thanksgiving. This is going to be a short week but here are some important things to remember. There is no school on Tuesday, Oct. 9th.
* In Literacy and for homework this week, we will be working with the letter A a. Isn't that Awesome! The letter A a is a very hard working vowel because it says two sounds. The long A sound says it's own name and can be found in words like acorn, aim, angel, ape, April, and apron. The short A sound is the sound Ally Alligator says in Zoo Phonics and can be found in words like act, actor, add, alligator, apple, Africa, athlete, and ax.
* We are still working hard on our writing as well. Students love to write stories.
* In Math, we will be finishing up Patterns.
* Scholastic Book Orders for October are due on Friday, Oct. 12th.
* It's Fire Prevention Week so please take the time to review your escape plan with your family. We have been practicing our fire drill at school.