Week of May 13 - May 17

Posted: May 12, 2013

Here are a few things happening in and around our classroom this week: *  It has been brought to my attention that we missed a letter of the alphabet...the letter Q q.  So in Literacy this week we will be working on the letter Q.  There are a lot of words that begin with this letter, such as, question, quiz, quail, queen, quiet, quite, quake, quilt, quarter, and quart.  Did you notice anything about all of those words?  The letter 'q' always has the letter 'u' beside it.  *  In Math, we are working on Unit 4: Numbers to 10.   *  This is Miss Davis' last week with us.  She has done a wonderful job teaching.  On Friday afternoon, we will have a little 'congratulations' and 'farewell' party for her.  We all wish her the best of luck as she continues with her studies.