Posted: April 7, 2013
In Literacy, we will
be working on the letter W w. Wow! What a wonderful letter and just think of
all the words that begin with this letter. Some include, word, water, well,
wish, wacky, white, waffle, Walmart, waist, whistle, warm, wild, wind, and
wand. Show and Tell will be on Friday so have fun wandering around, looking for
something with the /w/ sound.
*In Math, we are
still working on Unit 3: Geometry and Measurement. We have been measuring things around the
classroom to see what is taller or shorter.
*On Wednesday, April
10, K-2 students will be going to see The Velveteen Rabbit
production by TNB. The bus will be
leaving the school at 8:50 and arriving at JMH shortly after that. The cost per child is $1.00 so please send
this in as soon as you can.
*Scholastic Book
orders are due this week. I have
extended the date to Wednesday, April 10th.
*Thank you to all parents who came out to Parent/Teacher Interviews
last week. It was very nice to see and
talk to all of you. Thank you for your