Posted: September 2, 2011
I would like to welcome all my students to Kindergarten. We will have so much fun learning new and exciting things.
Here are a few things to remember or that will be happening over the first couple of weeks of school:
* We have a staggered entry again this year so please check the letter that was sent to you to see when your child starts. Half the class will start on Tuesday, Sept. 6th and the other half will start on Wed., Sept. 7th. Students can come right to the classroom.
* Please remember to send in $25.00 with your child as soon as you can. This covers all the school supplies they will need for the whole school year. All parents have to purchase is a lunch bag, book bag, and 2 pairs of sneakers (1 for outdoors and 1 for indoors).
* For those parents that will be picking their child up at the end of the day, we ask that you use the Frost Street entrance. You can wait on the playground until the duty teacher dismisses them at the door. Please wait for your child on the playground.
* Sept. 13th - Meet the Teacher/Open House. All parents and students are encouraged to come. There will be a movie in the gym for students to watch while parents meet in the cafeteria.
* Sept. 19th - No School
* Sept. 20th - Picture Day
* Sept. 22nd - Fundraiser Kick Off - each students will be given a package to take home. We are selling magazines again this year. It's a great fundraiser that promotes reading. Students can sell magazines to family and friends.
* Sept. 28th - Terry Fox Walk - K-2 students will be walking at 12:30.
* Sept. 30th - Grandparents Day Celebration for K-3. This will take place in the school gym at 9:00am.