Posted: October 16, 2011
Here are a few things to remember this week:
* For homework this week, we are beginning the letter 'S' so there are a few sheets related to this letter. There is also a sheet to practice the number 2. Remember to read or get read to every night and log it. This week you will get a paper book called "A Fireman".
* There will be a note in your child's homework explaining the letter of the week. Each week we will introduce a new letter and at the end of the week, your child can bring in something for Show and Tell that begins with that corresponding letter. For example, this week we will be working on the letter 'S' so your child can bring in something that begins with the /s/ sound. Happy Hunting! This week Show and Tell will be on Thursday because there is no school on Friday.
* There is no school for students on Friday, October 21st. Curriculum Implementation Day. I hope you enjoy your day off.
* I won't be in the classroom on Wednesday, October 19th because I will be at District Office for training. Mrs. Burns will take over for the day.