Wow!! It's December already! Here are a few things to remember for this week and the coming weeks. * In Literacy this week we will be working on the letter E e. This is another hard working vowel because it has 2 sounds. The short E e can be found in words such as, Ellie, elephant, egg, eggplant, excellent, elk, elm, elbow, entrance, envelope, and elevator. Some words that begin with the long E e are Ethan, each, eel, easel, eat, email, evening, Egypt, and equal. Show and Tell will be on Friday so have fun hunting for something that begins with the letter E e. * In Math, we are still working on the numbers 1-5, making different combinations of each. * Scholastic book orders are due on December 6th. Please remember that if you want to order something for Christmas, just let me know and I will not send it home with your child. * For a Christmas craft, I am asking everyone to please send in a 2L pop bottle. If you can send in more than one, that would be great. Please have them in by December 13th. Thanks! * Please mark your calenders for the following dates:December 17th - Christmas Concert December 18th - Storm Date for Christmas Concert and Cocoa HouseDecember 20th - Last Day for students for Christmas break