Posted: May 29, 2013
Mr. Williston and Mrs. Comeau Archive
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: May 29, 2013
Date: May 28, 2013
Approval has been granted for an early dismissal on the last day of classes, June 21, 2013.
The following are the approximate loading times for each school:
11:30 a.m.
St. Andrew’s, Ian Baillie, Napan, Miramichi Rural, Nelson Rural
12:00 Noon
Dr. Losier Middle, James M. Hill High
Early Dismissal (Storm Day) bus routes will be used on this date.
Have A Great Summer
Posted: May 29, 2013
Come and join us as we welcome the Tall Ships to the Miramichi.
Time: 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Place: St. Andrew’s Elementary Playground
We will have games, music, sign making and more. Come dressed up as pirates and have fun.
BBQ: hotdogs, pop, and water will be sold for $1.00 each.
All students must be accompanied by an adult.
Posted: May 29, 2013
Our grade 1 class celebrated all the birthdays in our class today with a fun and tasty treat.
Happy Birthday to us!Read more
Posted: May 27, 2013
The order forms for our last book
order of the year will be sent out today and need to be returned by May 31st
to allow for extra delivery time at this busy time of year.
you and happy summer reading!
Posted: May 17, 2013
Posted: May 16, 2013
promote physical activity, the Wellness Committee has purchased some
bicycles. We will be starting a Grade
One Bicycle Club to run every Thursday from 2:00 – 3:00. Interested students can fill out the form
below and send it in to their homeroom teacher.
Each student will need to bring their own bicycle helmet and be able to
already ride a bike because the bicycles here do not have training wheels. In the beginning, we will be riding the bikes
in the gym and on the playground. Each K-2 student has seen the bicycle safety
video in gym class so after we are comfortable as a group, we will be hitting
the trails. Once we have all forms
returned, a schedule will be set up and sent home with your child so they know
what day they will be going. Because we only
have 5 bikes, we can only take 5 students at a time. Parents are responsible to pick up their
child at 3:00 at the office entrance. (Forms will be sent home on Thur. May 16th)
Posted: May 16, 2013
I give my child
____________________________ permission to participate in the noon hour walks
in conjunction with the Go for 42 Walk Program.
The students will be supervised on these walks. Students will be leaving the school grounds
for these walks on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s. Parents are encouraged to join us as we will
be leaving the school playground at approximately 12:05. Walks are about 15 minutes long. All forms must be returned by Friday,
May 17th. No late forms
accepted after Friday.
Grade: ____________
Parent’s Signature:
Posted: May 10, 2013
Happy Mother’s Day to all the special ladies in our lives.
Have a wonderful day from Mr. Williston’s Grade One
Posted: May 10, 2013
Mania is back again this month with Go for 42. For the next 5 weeks there will
be posts on this website giving you information about being physically active,
nourishing your body to enable it to keep active and encouraging students to
participate in the Go for 42 challenge at school. Won’t you join us for the Mango Kids Fun Run on Sunday June 23rd, 2013 at the Lindon
Recreation Center, Miramichi?
Did you know that being
physically active for at least 60 minutes a day will: Help you grow stronger, improve your health
and fitness, and Help you do better in school. There are 3 types of physical activity:
1. Endurance activities such as running, swimming, and jumping help
strengthen the heart and lungs.
2. Flexibility activities such as gymnastics and dancing help improve your
ability to bend, stretch, and reach.
3. Strength building activities such as climbing or swinging across the
playground ladder help build strong muscles and bones.
Some of the many ways kids can
stay physically active are by walking to school, playing sports, riding their
bicycle, and playing outside with friends.
Adapted from: Canada’s Physical Activity
Guide for Children, Health Canada