Posted: October 9, 2013
Mme Glazier
4/5 Glazier
Posted: October 7, 2013
1. lecture 15 minutes2. study math facts (pop quiz 0-5)3. finish math sheet on patterns for Wednesday4. Scholastic book order due Wednesday October 9 *Please remember there is no school for students Thursday, Friday, Monday Have a great short week!Mlle Rousselle :)
Posted: September 30, 2013
1. lecture 15 minutes2. study math facts (0-5)3. any incomplete math will be sent home4. Libraray day-Thursday5. Scholastic book order due next Thursday October 10th. *Please note that the Cross Country meet will be held at the Hallow this Wednesday @ 4:00. All are welcome! Merci,Mlle Rousselle :)
Posted: September 25, 2013
Please note that our class photo will not be taken today. We will be taking our class photo on picture retake day since there is a student missing today. We didn't want her to miss out on her last class photo at St-Andrew's. ;) Merci, Mlle Rousselle
Posted: September 24, 2013
Picture day is tomorrowFall Fair here at St-Andrews -Friday @ 4:30
Posted: September 23, 2013
1. lecture 15 minutes2. study math facts 0-53. math sheets will be sent home and due Friday 4. Any incomplete math in class will be sent home.5. Library books due Thursday Have a great week!Mlle Rousselle :)
Posted: September 20, 2013