Posted: October 31, 2012
Miss Hart Archive 09/2013
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: October 31, 2012
Posted: October 31, 2012
Posted: October 31, 2012
Posted: October 31, 2012
Posted: October 30, 2012
Students are allowed to wear face makeup to school, but not allowed to bring it to school.Bonjour mes petits toiles d'araignées!
Today we wrote a Halloween story (l'histoire de l'halloween) as a class and presented our family pictures to the class. In math we reviewed patterns and made some using the blocks!
Il y a
____ personnes dans ma famille. Mon père s'appelle _____, ma mère
s'appelle _________, ma soeur s'appelle ________ et mon frère s'appelle
_______. J'adore ma famille!
REMINDER- please bring in a family picture (or individual photos of each family member) tomorrow to share with the class!
Sign and return math test from last week and interim reports.
le français-
le son "j" (gymnase, aujourd'hui, Jacob) Don't forget to write and say the sound!lire ton livre practice the next row of les mots fréquents
les maths-
practice the numbers from 100-200check out the math website
anglais- read 15 min and log
Bonne soirée
Mlle Hart et Jacob
Phrase du jour (sentence of the day)- Comment écrit-on? (How do you write...)
Posted: October 29, 2012
Halloween websites!
Hi everyone,Here are some great Halloween websites to check out!
SMART Board Halloween Math Games for K-6 -
Stacking Pumpkins Flash Games -
Halloween Activities and Lesson Plans -
Halloween Poetry and Rhymes -
Posted: October 29, 2012
Halloween –
Oct. 31, 2012
Jamboree – K-3 -- 12:30
4-5 --
K-2 students may wear their costumes to school at the parent’s discretion. Please
remember, the students will be outside, weather permitting, and masks may only be worn when the students go to the jamboree.
3-5 students may bring a costume and will be given an opportunity to change for the jamboree.
Students are allowed to wear face makeup to school, but not allowed to bring it.Ralph Williston
Vice Principal
St. Andrews' Elementary School
Posted: October 29, 2012
Vieille Sorcière
sur l'air de "Frère Jacques"Vieille sorcière,
Vieille sorcière,
Que fais-tu ?
Que fais-tu ?
Je mange une citrouille.
Je mange une citrouille.
Crique, craque, croque.
Crique, craque, croque.Vieille sorcière,
Vieille sorcière,
Où vas-tu?
Où vas-tu?
Je vais dans le château,
Je vais dans le château,
Manger l'fantôme.
Manger l'fantôme.
Posted: October 29, 2012
Bonjour mes petites sorcières!
Today we wrote a paragraph about our family and reviewed how many people are in our families as well as their names and ages.
Il y a
____ personnes dans ma famille. Mon père s'appelle _____, ma mère
s'appelle _________, ma soeur s'appelle ________ et mon frère s'appelle
_______. J'adore ma famille!
REMINDER- please bring in a family picture tomorrow to share with the class!
Sign and return math test from last week and interim reports.
le français-
le son "j" (gymnase, aujourd'hui, Jacob) Don't forget to write and say the sound!lire ton livre practice the next row of les mots fréquents
les maths-
practice the numbers from 100-200
anglais- read 15 min and log
Bonne soirée
Mlle Hart et Jacob
Phrase du jour (sentence of the day)- Combien de personnes est-ce qu'il y a dans ta famille?
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