Posted: October 15, 2012
To: Parents/Guardians
Date: Oct. 15th
Re: Cross Country
Just a reminder that our Cross Country season is quickly coming to an end and we only have 2 races left, one of which is a rescheduled race at NSEE.
Today’s parent practice has been canceled due to the weather. Sorry for any inconvenience.
This week’s meet is on Oct. 17th at the Blackville school. Runners should leave for this meet immediately after the 3pm bell, as the race begins at 4pm.
On Oct. 19th we will be having our School meet that begins at 12:40pm in the Hollow. All Saint Andrew's students will walk to the Hollow to watch our runners race and cheer them on. Parents are welcome to attend!
The last race of the season is on Wed. Oct. 24th at NSEE school in Sunny Corner. We have been asked to park at the arena behind the school. Race begins at 4pm.
Thank you,
S. Potts/R. Williston/B. Schofield/ E. Case