Posted: September 7, 2012
Bonjour les 3e année! Aujourd'hui c'est le vendredi, 7 septembre, 2012-Youpi!
We are learning lot's in French Immersion so far:
I can practice my days of the week (les jours de la semaine),
the months of the year (Les mois de l'année),
and even my numbers from 1 à 20!
I can say my name and ask you yours, (Je m'appelle____, comment t'appelles-tu?) and also I am learning to say my age (J'ai _ ans, quelle âge as-tu?).
I know that sometimes I may feel frustrated, or tired, but when it clicks it feels great!- and it will.
Have a great weekend! Bonne fin de semaine!
The scholastic book orders are due september 21st and there is a notice regarding cafeteria meals in your agenda's.
Mlle. Hart et Jacob (notre mascotte)