Dec 2 - 6

Hello family members of 3C! It was looking quite festive outside, with all that fluffy snow we got on the weekend.  Now with the rain it is really looking like a Miramichi winter! This week in French classes, we are finishing up the good copies of our autobiographies and starting a new unit about our hobbies & pastimes.  This will be our last week with the daily sound sheets.  We will continue to review sounds in class and periodically for homework.  Reading each night continues.  Students will have a guided reading book they can practice each night plus another book of their choice. This week in Math we just finished up our last lesson in ‘Numbers to 1000’.  We have been estimating, getting an idea of how big 1000 really is and skip counting.  Tonight students have review questions to try in preparations for the test on Wednesday.  All questions should be familiar to students; we have worked on them for homework and/or in class work throughout this unit.  The English version will be uploaded shortly (I made several changes/shortened the French one and need to make the English one to match now.)My English students (Mr. Glazier's class) - We have started some guided reading in Enlgish class.  If your child brought home a book this evening, they are to read Ch. 1 over again tonight. Have a great week!  And as always, if you have any questions, concerns let me know!