March 17 - 20

  Happy Saint Patrick's Day!  I trust you had a wonderful weekend!This week we will continue to work on comprehension strategies in French class, as well as review a few key sounds from the first of the year.  We practiced our words from last week today and the quiz is first thing in the a.m. (the words were: feu, autre, regarde, combien, faire, ont, drôle, étais, fois & entrer.)   We will begin procedural writing, giving simple directions on how to do something.  Reading every day is crucial to your child's progress in both English and French.In math, we are getting right into our multiplication unit.  We have looked at equal groups (des groupes égaux), using/drawing arrays  (des matrices) and tricks for the facts 0x?=,1x?=, 2x?= & 5x?= (up to 5x5=25).  We are now looking at the real world applications for multiplication and how multiplication is related to repeated addition.  We will be doing lots of practice questions to make sure your child has a good understanding of multiplication before starting division next week.   It's going well!In Health class we continue to look at Canada's Food guide to discuss healthy eating habits as well as other healthy habits.In Social Studies we will be starting a brochure about our province of New Brunswick to show what we have learned about it so far.Homework: Math sheets Tuesday and Thursday, Daily reading (recorded on log sheet), and the new spelling words for this week will be (plusieurs, grosse, descend, allons, regardons, peut, disent, avait, trop)