School Memo - Sept. 16th

Posted: September 16, 2013

 MEMO To:          Parents From:        Ralph Williston, Vice Principal Date:        September 16, 2013 Re:          Open House and Terry Fox Walk Just a reminder that our school’s Open House is tonight at 6pm. Following the Open House there is a meeting for the parents of students in the Grade 3 French Immersion program. The school will hold our Terry Fox Walk on Friday September 20th .Students will be leaving the school at 10:15am and will walk to the Waterford Green and back.  We ask that each student make a small donation to this worthy cause. A few other dates we would like you to remember: Grandparents Day Concert, Sept. 24th at 9:15am (K-3 Students only) Fall Fair, Sept. 27th from 4:30 to 6:30pm (Whole school) Thank you.