Afgahan Fundraiser for New Playground Equipment

Posted: March 24, 2014

Last month students were permitted to bring an electronic device to school for a cost of $1.00. It was explained to students that all proceeds for this fundraiser would go towards the cost of purchasing a special swing and rubberized grounding needed for a student with Cerebral Palsy that will be beginning Kindergarten in September 2014.   Alex Carroll, a very kind hearted boy in grade 3 went home and told his Grandmother about this new student and asked if she would make an afghan to help raise money. Within weeks the afghan was made and Alex’s fundraising campaign is underway. Please help Alex and our new student by purchasing a ticket. One book will be sent home with each student.  Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5 The draw date will be April 16th.  All Tickets and Monies MUST be returned to the school by April 15th.