- Private group -
Posted: February 2, 2014
* News for this week:
Interim reports go home Tuesday, February 4th.
Art Richard will be doing a show (singing and performing in French)
for the students on Friday, February 7th in the A.M.
Saint Andrew’s Olympic Ceremony will be held on Friday, February
7th in the afternoon.
February 3-7th
15 minutes and record
Spelling words
Unit 3 (Addition and Subtraction) on Friday ( through out the week, we will be
having a review and practice sheets will be sent home for extra practice)
This week we are going to be discussing the Winter Olympics and
have students create their own Olympic Sport. Very interested to see what they
come up with :)
As mentioned above, in Math this week we will be reviewing Unit 3 on Addition and Subtraction. This will include using strategies for
basic addition and subtraction facts, finding missing numbers in equations,
using estimation strategies to predict sums, and adding and subtractions 2
digit and 3 digit numbers.
In Math we have also started doing Mental Math basic addition
facts. This is a 5 minute timed test in hopes by the end of the year students
will achieve a score of 50 out of 50 or 100%.
In Social Studies, students are working on a project that is scored
out of 24. Students were asked to create an original island along with other
requirements we have been discussing for the past month. Their project is being
marked based on a rubric and will be sent home to sign when finished :)