This week in 3C! (Feb. 24 -28)

Math - I have moved the math quiz to Wednesday as we missed several math classes last week (for hair cutting/Olympic events, etc.) We reviewed all adding and subtracting strategies today, as a class.  Tomorrow we will finish up our review with some individual practice questions while I circulate and conference with each student.  The math sheet we work on in class, will be sent home with any questions students did not get to finish as an optional extra review at home.  Wednesday morning we will have the 'test'.  Thursday we will work on all concepts covered to date through games and activities.French - We continue to read together, read individally, practice spelling words, practice creating sentences and having genuine conversations.  Spelling quiz is on Thursday.Social Studies - We are looking at our neighborhoods, our city, and the attractions in the community (restaurants, parcs, etc.)  We continue to look at the parts of a map, how to read a map & how to create a map.  We focus on things like: the four directions, the legend, to scale and that a map is 'bird's eye view'.I hope everyone has a fantastic, fun & relaxing March break!