Food Bank Items

Posted: November 2, 2011

We are collecting Food Bank items again this year. I am a little late posting for this week, but here is the schedule for what they are looking for as donations each week. For each donation, we will write that student's name down on a ballot, which will be entered into a draw at the end of the collection. I will list the prizes soon.  Nov. 1 - 4                   Kraft Dinner Nov. 7 - 11                Peanut Butter, Jam, Cheese Whiz Nov. 14 - 18              Cereal Nov. 21 - 25              Canned Soup, Crackers Nov. 28 - Dec. 2       Canned beans, milk, spaghetti, vegetables Dec. 5 - 9                  Boxes of spaghetti, macaroni; and pasta sauce Dec. 12 - 16             Canned meats, fish