First Day of School

Posted: September 6, 2011

Today was a great first day back to school.  We got all of our supplies organized, took a tour of the school, had Phys Ed, ate in the cafeteria and many other things.  A lot of our time was spent talking and getting to know one another.  We found out that we all have a lot of things in common.  I even found out that I share some of the same favorite bands as some of the students in the class.  The student information sheets have been sent home today so please fill them out and send them back as soon as possible.  Don't forget to fill out the part in the middle of the sheet for permission to publish.  I have also sent home a cafeteria menu and a notice from Mr. Noel about Phys Ed.  Have a great evening and I will see you all tomorrow.    Madame Prince