First week of school was lots of fun!

Posted: September 9, 2011

                              Well, our first week of school flew by.  We've already reviewed and discussed Fire Drill and Lockdown procedures, as well as School Bus Safety.  All of our students are Daily 5 experts and we've already had our first 'Read to Self' today.  Everyone did a fantastic job and hopefully next week we will have an opportunity to start 'Read to Partner".  We've been busy in math reviewing addition facts and fact families.   We had our first assembly yesterday where we reviewed all the school, cafeteria and playground rules.  Afterward, the teachers put on a funny skit called Ribbon Rescue and Mr.Williston rode a bike around the gym because he was late for a wedding.  We can't wait to see what week two will bring.                                                                      Signing off,                                                           Mrs. P's Grade two class