Posted: October 26, 2014
Here are some things happening this week:
*In Literacy, we are working on the letter T t. Isn’t that terrific! So many things begin with this letter, such
as, tiger, Tuesday, Thursday, tights, truck, trailer, tooth, toothpaste, tummy,
train and tugboat. Show and Tell will be on
Friday. Please bring in something that
begins with the /t/ sound.
*In Math, we are working on Unit 2: Numbers to
5. We have been discussing more, fewer,
and as many as.
*On Friday, October 31st, students are permitted to wear
their Halloween costumes to school. We
will be having a sock hop at lunch time and then having some Halloween fun in
the afternoon. The kids will be able to
parade their costumes around to the K-3 classrooms.
*Please continue to practice sight words on a
daily basis.
*Picture retake envelopes are due back on Wednesday,
Oct. 29th.