Week of May 19 - May 23

Posted: May 20, 2014

Here are some things happening this week: *  In Literacy, we will be working on the 'th' diagraph.  We sometimes call this the saucy tongue sound because we stick out our tongue a little bit to make the soft 'th' sound and a little bit more to make the hard 'th' sound.  Some words that start with the 'th' diagraph are this, that, thread, thimble, thorn, thistle, thigh, and thank.  Show and Tell will be on Friday so happy hunting. *  In Math, we are still working on numbers to 10 and making combinations of each. *  On Wednesday, May 21st, we will awarding the prizes for our Spell-a-Thon.  Thank you to everyone who has participated in our major fundraiser.   *  Our 'Go for 42' program has begun.  Please keep track of how far your child has walked/ran.  Shoe tags are awarded for every so many kilometers.  The first shoe tag is awarded at 5 km.  Just send me a note to let me know how much your child has walked/ran.