Posted: January 27, 2014
Here are a few things happening this week:
* In Literacy we will be working on the letter G g. Isn't that GREAT! Some words that begin with this letter are gorilla, great, grapes, grade, gallery, guess, and goat. Show and Tell will be on Friday so have fun searching for something that begins with the /g/ sound.
* In Math, we continue to work on Unit 3: Geometry and Measurement. Students have learned about 3D shapes and have to describe and sort them.
* On Wednesday, January 29th, our Kindergarten class will be going on a field trip to the Miramichi Regional Hospital. The bus will be leaving at approximately 9:00 and arriving back to the school at approximately 11:00. A snack will be provided to the kids while we are there.
* Please remember to have your child read their guided reading book every night and continue to practice their sight words. The more they read, the more fluent their reading will become.
* On Friday, January 31st, the Leadership students are holding a "Bring your Electronic to School Day". The cost to bring your electronic to school is $1.00. Students will be able to play their device at recess and during a half hour that is designated by the teacher for play. All proceeds will go to purchasing new playground equipment.