Week of Feb. 17 - Feb. 21

Posted: February 17, 2014

Here are a few things happening this week: *  In Literacy, we will be working on the letter L l.  Isn't that lovely?  Some words that begin will this letter are lion, lollipop, lawn, love, lucky, licorice, laptop, leaf, lips, log, and lamb.  Show and Tell will be on Friday so have fun looking for something with the /l/ sound. *  In Math, we are still working on the Unit 3:  Geometry and Measurement. *  On Tuesday, Feb. 18th, we are celebrating the 100th Day of School.  Those students who made a project can bring it in on the day.  We will be celebrating in the gym.   *  On Friday, Feb. 21st, some teachers in the school will be cutting their hair to help raise money for cancer.  A notice with more information will be sent home on Tuesday.