Jan. 31 - Feb. 4

The letter of the week is the letter "O".  This is a hard working letter because it has two sounds...long and short.  The short 'o' sounds like Olive Octapus from Zoo Phonics and the long 'o' says it's own name.  We will have Show and Tell on Friday so make sure to bring in something with the /o/ sound.  Have fun!     A notice was sent home regarding the sentence envelopes your child brings home every week.  We have 20 different envelopes that we rotate each week.  It is very important that they are returned each week so your child can receive a new one.  Please keep them in the Book Buddy Bags.   A new Mango Challenge has started this week.  The challenge is to encourage students to eat a healthy snack for recess.  This will help give them energy.  We have a sticker chart in the classroom to keep track of the healthy snacks.  A class prize (per school) will be given to the class with the highest percent of class participation.   This is Ms. Pickford's last week in our Kindergarten classroom.  Her last day will be Friday.  We will surely miss her.  We will then welcome Ms. Mullen into our classroom and she will be with us until the end of the school year.+