Posted: June 1, 2015
Welcome back! Field trip permission slips have been sent home with your child today. Please ensure they are returned by Friday, June 5th.French - Students will finalize their year end write up this week. Daily 5, spelling, oral struture review continue as per our routine. Students have made great gains throughout the year :)Math - For the next 2 weeks, we will be reviewing probalility and graphing. This is our final unit of the year. With time remaining, we will go over addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers.Science - Students have constucted 2 structures over the past 2 weeks. One structure was out of drinking straws and the other with newspaper. This week we will review material covered throughout the unit and move on to our Soils unit. Students particularly enjoy this unit, as we get to spent time outside getting our hands dirty exploring different soil types, searching for creepy crawlers, etc. This last unit ties in nicely with math as well.Reminders:Field trip notice due Friday, June 5th.Reading to occur nightly. Let's have a great week. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have and questions, comments, and/or concerns.