September 23 - 27

Posted: September 20, 2013

  Welcome back. I must admit that your children are doing well and I am very pleased with their results thus far. It is very special to be learning a second language. Stayed tuned for a special video presentation early in the week. French – This week students will continue to concentrate on what makes them unique. Discussions, readings and written activities will incorporate the following:       -       I have x hair…”J’ai les cheveux x” -       I have x eyes…”J’ai les yeux x” -       I am bigger and/or smaller than…”Je suis plus grand (e) que, plus petit (e) que etc.  Of special note, each Friday we will commence spelling tests on the words studied in class during Word Work. At present, we are concentrating on sight words. Spelling words will not be sent home as they are practiced extensively in class throughout our daily activities. They have also seen and practiced all the vowels. Please continue to read the vowel practice sheets that was sent home Friday. Today we will begin working on “s” and so on. Each sound sheet will be sent home nightly to practice until completion. Math – There will be a quiz on number recognition (0-50) on Wednesday. Please continue to refer to my posted math web links and practice, practice, practice J We will also begin our unit on numbers. Aside from learning the terminology in French, our objective is to read/represent numbers greater than 100, skip count to 100, place value, and estimation. Reminders:-       Grandparents concert Tuesday -       Scholastic orders due Friday -       Fall Fair Friday after school. There has also been a notice for volunteers to aid in setting up and taking down the inflatable play set from Big Brothers and Sisters. If you can donate your time either before or after the event please send me a note. Thanks!  If you have any question, comments, and/or concerns please feel free to write me an e-mail or contact the school. I will respond as soon as possible. Let's have a great week! Thanks.