Posted: November 1, 2013
Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed the
Halloween video presentation we sang last Thursday. Students really enjoyed
practicing the song.
It is hard to believe that we are already into
the month of November. Report cards and parent teacher interviews are just
around the corner. I look forward to meeting many parents/guardians.
- We will be continuing
our theme on Families. Our objective
will be to present the members of our family, describe some of their physical
traits, and lastly move on to discuss members of our extended families.
We are now into the swing of things with our Daily 5/guided
reading sessions. 5 centers have been created (i.e. read to self, read with Mr.
Glazier, writing, etc) and students have taken well to their assigned duties.
Bravo les amis!
You will notice as well that students now have a new reading log
sheet in their take home bag. Please ensure that students write down the
book(s) they have read on this sheet and place in their bags nightly. Doing so
enables me to keep track of their reading and what books may need to be return
if forgotten at home.
Our school Remembrance Day ceremony will be held on Friday. In
preparation for this event our class will be creating and painting poppies out
of egg cartons. If you are able to send in an empty carton to school by Wednesday it would be greatly
appreciated. I have a few of my own to spare.
Math - We
continue to practice our numbers orally up to 100. Our focus is now on addition
and subtraction. My focus this week will
be on new vocabulary, doubles +/- 1, 2, etc and relationships between addition
and subtraction (N.10 of NB math 3
curriculum). Incomplete class work will be sent home as homework.
Reading is to occur
nightly. Please record on sheet.November Schlastic is due Friday, November 8th.
Let's have a great week! As always if you have any questions or
concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.