Feb 9-14th

Posted: February 9, 2014

   Welcome back everyone. I was away since Tuesday due to an unforseen family emergency. I will tend to any messages left by my supply first thing Monday morning. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.French - This week we will be filming our “Me Voici II” video. Students will take an active role this time through and assist in the filming. Students will assume the role of director, assistant, editor, etc. We will also follow up on our Olympic country (Finland) and see what sports they will be participating in this week. This assignment will tie in nicely with our new Time and Measurement unit in math as well.   Wednesday from 8:45-9:45 we will be skating at the LBR Rink. St. Andrew’s has extra helmets and skates for those how may require either one. Please note we continue with guided reading and Daily 5. Comprehension, fluidity, visualization, and prediction strategies continue to be the focus of my mini lessons. Each morning prior to our routine, we take the time to read 2-3 class books collectively as a class. Math - We continue with our 4th unit that had been introduced last week. Activity sheets will be sent home as need be. If you like extra practice for your son or daughter at home, please notify me and I will send supplementary work in their reading bags. This unit typically is more hands on and students really enjoy the various activities. Again, the Olympics will be tied into our math work throughout the remainder of the games. Social Studies - We continue to learn about the province of NB. This week we will talk about our provincial flag and the differences between cities, towns, villages, bodies of water, etc. Reminders:  - Reading is to occur nightly - Please sign agendas and reading log sheets. I have many extras if need be - Skating at LBR rink Wednesday, February 12th. As always, if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns please contact me. I will reply via phone call as soon as possible. Let’s have a great week!