May 9-13th

Posted: May 9, 2016

Welcome back! I look forward to hearing about student's extended weekend stories. A note to parents that on Friday, June 10th our class will be visiting the fish hatchery and traveling to Wayerton to release our salmon fry. More information to follow in the up coming weeks.

French - Students recently completed an adventure story. Their work will be corrected this week and sent home to be signed and returned to school. Next, students will be undertaking a book report. Please continue to ensure you child reads nightly for 15 minutes.

Math - We will be completing our statistics (bar graphs, pictogrammes, etc) and probability unit this week. Their unit test will be this coming Friday. Our next unit of study will be multiplication of largeer numbers for the Gr 4s and Transformation (aka geometry) for the Gr 5s.

Science - We will also be concluding our habitat unit (wetlands) this week. Students will need to draw an entire wetland including all components as their final assignment. To conclude, two forest rangers from the Department of Natural Resources will be presenting to the class on Thursday. Our next unit of study will be rocks and minerals.


Class trip to hatchery Friday, June 12th. Information to follow.

DNR class presentation this Thursday

STEMfest 2016 information on school website.

As always, if you have any questions or comments please fel free to contact me at school. Thanks you and let's have a great week!