Les devoirs pour le mardi et le mercredi 16 et 17 octobre, 2012

Posted: October 17, 2012

Bonjour mes petits tigres! Yesterday and today we reviewed how to say if we had a pet, its name, describe the fur colour, the eye colour and if they are big or small and how old they are. Est-ce que tu-as un animal de compagnie? (Oui j'ai un animal de compagnie. Il s'appelle Jacob. Il a 8 ans et il a des poiles bruns, noirs et blanc. Il est grand avec des yeux vert et il est jolie.) Today we started to describe our favorite animal- Quelle est ton animal préféré? Mon animal préféré est un tigre. In math we are almost finished our first unit (module 2) and will conclude with two more lessons and a final test. (probably sometime next week!) Pour les devoirs- francais- read your book practice le son "u" (yesterday was still le son "0") REMINDER- Please bring in a stuffed animal (un animal en péluche) to describe math- sign test on lesson 6-8 English- Read for 15 min (log twice a week)       Bonne soirée, Mlle. Hart et Jacob!