Posted: November 20, 2012
Bonjour mes petites reines et mes petits rois!
Skating is tomorrow at 8:45-10:30 so don't forget your skates and helmet!
The book fair is in the library and our class will be going on Thursday from 9-9:30 am
Report cards go home tomorrow and need to be signed and returned on Thursday
No school on Friday- parent teacher interviews: First come first serve
le français-
le son "r" (rêve, roi, reine) Don't forget to write and say the sound! I will be giving a new sound tomorrow as well
lire ton livre and fill in the title of book in the log (green duotang) this will only be completed when they change books!
practice the fifth row of les mots fréquents for grade 2. QUIZ jeudi!
les maths-
Finish sheet on l'addition (les doubles)
Extra: practice adding and subtracting with numbers from 1-19 (12 questions=2 min)
For those of you who have not yet signed the math test, please sign it for tomorrow.
anglais- read 15 min and log
Bonne soirée!
Mlle Hart et Jacob
Phrase du jour (sentence of the day)- Et toi, qu'est ce qui te rend unique? Je suis unique parce que je joue de la guitare...